Testimony |
- Presenter: Jen Ouellette, Fiscal Analyst
- Organization: Kansas Legislative Research Department
- Topic: Att 1, Jen Ouellette, Kansas Legislative Research Department
Testimony |
- Presenter: Phaedra Moll
- Organization: Private Citizen
- Topic: Att 10, Phaedra Moll, Private Citizen
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jaime Price, Senior Vice President
- Organization: Community Living Opportunities
- Topic: Att 11, Jaime Price, Community Living Opportunities
Testimony |
- Presenter: Aldona Carney, Private Citizen
- Topic: Att 12, Aldona Carney, Private Citizen
Testimony |
- Presenter: Ben Swinnen, President
- Organization: Equiventure Farms
- Topic: Att 13, Ben Swinnen, Equiventure Farms
Testimony |
- Presenter: Shane Heit
- Organization: KVC Health Systems
- Topic: Att 14, Shane Heit, KVC Health Systems
Testimony |
- Presenter: Scott and Beverly Williamson
- Organization: Life Centers Family Support Organization
- Topic: Att 15, Scott and Beverly Williamson, Life Centers Family Support Organization
Testimony |
- Presenter: Phillip Davis, Chief Executive Officer
- Organization: Flint Hills Community Health Center
- Topic: Att 16, Phillip Davis, Flint Hills Community Health Center
Testimony |
- Presenter: Craig Knutson, Public Policy Coordinator
- Organization: Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities
- Topic: Att 17, Craig Knutson, Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. Laura Huyett, D.D.S.
- Topic: Att 18, Dr. Laura Huyett, D.D.S.
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jamie King, PsyD, LP, Director
- Organization: Residential Treatment Services of Southeast Kansas
- Topic: Att 19, Jamie King, Residential Treatment Services of Southeast Kansas
Testimony |
- Presenter: Cynthia Gardner
- Organization: Private Citizen
- Topic: Att 2, Cynthia Gardner, Private Citizen
Testimony |
- Presenter: Amanda Gress, Director of Governmental Relations
- Organization: Kansas Action for Children
- Topic: Att 20, Amanda Gress, Kansas Action for Children
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. Melinda Miner, D.D.S.
- Organization: Hays, Kansas
- Topic: Att 21, Dr. Melinda Miner, D.D.S., Hays, Kansas
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. William A. Miller, D.D.S.
- Organization: Hill City, Kansas
- Topic: Att 22, Dr. William A. Miller, D.D.S., Hill City, Kansas
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. Nick Rogers, D.D.S.
- Organization: Arkansas City, Kansas
- Topic: Att 23, Dr. Nick Rogers, Arkansas City, Kansas
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. John Fales, D.D.S., M.S. President
- Organization: Kansas Dental Association and Kansas Association of Pediatric Dentists
- Topic: Att 24, Dr. John Fales, Kansas Dental Association and Kansas Association of Pediatric Dentists
Testimony |
- Presenter: Mitzi McFatrich, Executive Director
- Organization: Kansas Advocates for Better Care
- Topic: Att 25, Mitzi McFatrich, Kansas Advocates for Better Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Garrett Drake, CEO
- Organization: MidAmerica Alliance for Access
- Topic: Att 26, Garrett Drake, CEO, MidAmerica Allicance for Access
Testimony |
- Presenter: Roxanne Hidaka
- Organization: Case Managment Services, Inc.
- Topic: Att 27, Roxanne Hidaka, Case Management Services, Inc.
Testimony |
- Presenter: Secretary Susan Mosier and Mike Randol, Director of Health Care Finance
- Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Topic: Att 28, Secretary Mosier and Director Randol, KDHE, KanCare Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Secretary Susan Mosier
- Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Topic: Att 29, Susan Mosier, KDHE, KanCare Eligibility Improvement Overview
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kerry Cosgrove, Case Manager
- Organization: Jenian, Inc.
- Topic: Att 3, Kerry Cosgrove, Jenian, Inc.
Testimony |
- Presenter: Secretary Susan Mosier
- Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Topic: Att 30, Secretary Mosier, KDHE, Task List
Testimony |
- Presenter: Secretary Mosier
- Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Topic: Att 31, Secretary Mosier, KDHE, OPTUM Recommendations
Testimony |
- Presenter: Secretary Susan Mosier
- Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Topic: Att 32, Secretary Mosier, KDHE, Change Request List
Testimony |
- Presenter: Secretary Susan Mosier
- Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Topic: Att 33, Secretary Mosier, KDHE, KanCare Executive Summary
Testimony |
- Presenter: Acting Secretary Tim Keck
- Organization: Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
- Topic: Att 34, Acting Secretary Tim Keck, Update on Larned and Osawatomie State Hospitals
Testimony |
- Presenter: Acting Secretary Tim Keck
- Organization: Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
- Topic: Att 35, Acting Secretary Tim Keck, KDADS, State Hospital Hours and Cost of Overtime
Testimony |
- Presenter: Brandt Haehn, Commissioner of Home and Community Based Services Division
- Organization: Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
- Topic: Att 36, Brandt, Haehn, KDADS Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman
- Topic: Att 37, Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman Document 1
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman
- Topic: Att 38, Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman, Document 2
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman
- Topic: Att 39, Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman, Document 3
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman
- Topic: Att 39, Kerrie Bacon, KanCare Ombudsman, Document 3
Testimony |
- Presenter: Linda MowBray
- Organization: Kansas Health Care Association and Kansas Center for Assisted Living
- Topic: Att 4, Linda MowBray, Kansas Health Care Association and Kansas Center for Assisted Living
Testimony |
- Presenter: David Rossi, Chief Operating Officer and Dr. Esslinger, Chief Medical Officer
- Organization: UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
- Topic: Att 40, David Rossi, Chief Operating Officer and Dr. Esslinger, Chief Medical Officer, Document 1
Testimony |
- Presenter: David Rossi, Chief Operating Officer and Dr. Esslinger, Chief Medical Officer
- Organization: UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
- Topic: Att 41, David Rossi and Dr. Esslinger, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan, Flint Hills Fact Sheet
Testimony |
- Presenter: David Rossi, Chief Operating Officer and Dr. Esslinger, Chief Medical Officer
- Organization: UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
- Topic: Att 42, David Rossi and Dr. Esslinger, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan, GraceMed Fact Sheet
Testimony |
- Presenter: Chris Coffey, Health Plan President and Chief Executive Officer
- Organization: Sunflower State Health Plan
- Topic: Att 43, Chris Coffey, Sunflower State Health Plan
Testimony |
- Presenter: Chris Coffey, Health Plan President and Chief Executive Officer
- Organization: Sunflower State Health Plan
- Topic: Att 44, Chris Coffey, Sunflower State Health Plan
Testimony |
- Presenter: Laura Hopkins, Chief Executive Officer
- Organization: Amerigroup Kansas Plan
- Topic: Att 45, Laura Hopkins, Amerigroup Kansas Plan
Testimony |
- Presenter: Laura Hopkins, Chief Executive Officer and Kyle Kessler
- Organization: Amerigroup Kansas Plan
- Topic: Att 46, Laura Hopkins and Kyle Kessler, Amerigroup, Community Mental Health Center Collaboration
Testimony |
- Presenter: Secretary Susan Mosier
- Organization: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Topic: Att 47, KDHE Responses
Testimony |
- Presenter: Acting Secretary Tim Keck
- Organization: Kansas Department on Aging and Disability Services
- Topic: Att 48, KDADS Responses
Testimony |
- Presenter: Chairperson Hawkins
- Topic: Att 49, Chairperson Hawkins, Recommendation
Testimony |
- Presenter: Rachel Monger, Director of Government Affairs
- Organization: LeadingAge Kansas
- Topic: Att 5, Rachel Monger, LeadingAge Kansas
Testimony |
- Presenter: Senator Denning
- Topic: Att 50, Senator Denning, Recommendations
Testimony |
- Presenter: Christopher Rea, Board Chairman
- Organization: Kansas Adult Care Executives
- Topic: Att 6, Christopher Rea, Kansas Adult Care Executives
Testimony |
- Presenter: Tanya Dorf Brunner, Executive Director
- Organization: Oral Health Kansas, Inc.
- Topic: Att 7, Tanya Dorf Brunner, Oral Health Kansas, Inc.
Testimony |
- Presenter: Terica Gatewood, PharmD, Site Manager
- Organization: Genoa Pharmacy at Valeo Behavioral Health Care
- Topic: Att 8, Terica Gatewood, Genoa at Valeo Behavioral Health Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Michael Jones, Private Citizen
- Topic: Att 9, Michael Jones, Private Citizen
Testimony |
- Presenter: Guest List
- Topic: Guest List