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Minutes for HB2530 - Committee on Agriculture

Short Title

Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on the labels of meat analogs when such labels do not include proper qualifying language to indicate that such products do not contain meat.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 15, 2022

The Chair called for final action on HB2530.

The Chair moved, seconded by Representative Smith to remove the language from SB261 and amend by inserting HB2530Motion passed

The Chair moved, seconded by Representative Smith to pass favorably SB261 as amendedMotion carried.

The Chair asked if there were any objections to suspending the rules and take action on SB451.  No objections were heard.

The Chair asked for a motion to suspend the rules and take action on SB451.

Representative Xu so moved and Representative Haswood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Representative Haswood moved, seconded by Representative Xu to amend SB451.(Attachment 6)  Discussion ensued.  Representative Haswood closed the amendment.

Representative Haswood moved SB451 as amended, seconded by Representative Xu, to pass favorably the billMotion carried.

The Chair noted that there will be a meeting tomorrow, March 16, 2022 with a continuation of information from the Food and Farm Coalition.

The meeting for Thursday, March 17, 2022 has been canceled.

The Chair expressed his gratitude for the members of the Committee and their active participation throughout the session.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.