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Minutes for SB275 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Allowing naturopathic doctors to engage in the corporate practice of medicine.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 9, 2022

Chairperson Hilderbrand opened the hearing on SB275.

Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill.

Dr. Laura Rues testified in support of SB275. She asked that SB275 be passed as it clarifies the working relationship that licensed naturopathic doctors and their professional colleagues, licensed acupuncturists, can work collaboratively with other Kansas licensed medical providers. (Attachment 6)

Kevin Barone gave proponent testimony on behalf of Sandra Wilkes. He stated that if passed, SB275 will improve the ability of healthcare providers to work together, promote opportunities for integrative clinics and provide more complete care for Kansas, while expanding economic opportunity. (Attachment 7)

They took questions from committee members.

Rachelle Colombo testified as an opponent to SB275 stating that this bill would allow a naturopath to practice medicine under the employment of a corporation, compromising both medical care and all ethical standards of practice, leaving patients to receive substandard care with no right to recovery. (Attachment 8)

Opponent, written only testimony was submitted by:

     Vicki Whitaker, Executive Director, Kansas Association of Osteopathic Medicine (Attachment 9)

Chairperson Hilderbrand closed the hearing on SB275.

Chairperson Hilderbrand adjourned the meeting at 9:25 a.m. The next scheduled meeting is March 10, 2022.