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Minutes for SB429 - Committee on Transparency and Ethics

Short Title

Requiring electronic filing of campaign reports by candidates for state office unless an exemption is granted for cause.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 17, 2022

Chairperson Bowers opened final action on SB429.  Charles Reimer, staff revisor, reviewed the bill.  Discussion ensued.

Senator McGinn distributed and explained a balloon amendment.  (Attachment 2)  Senator McGinn moved, Senator Thompson seconded, to adopt the balloon amendment.  Clay Barker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Kansas Secretary of State's Office, and Mark Skoglund, Executive Director, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission, addressed questions from the Committee.  Motion carried.

Senator Francisco proposed a conceptual amendment to use the same wording as the amendment that was put on SB427 making the reports due on the Tuesday following the second Monday in January.

Senator Francisco moved, Senator McGinn seconded, to amend SB429 conceptually making the reports due on the Tuesday following the second Monday in January.  Motion carried.

Chairperson Bowers distributed and explained an amendment.  (Attachment 3)  After comments by Mr. Barker, Chairperson Bowers moved, Senator Thompson seconded, to adopt the balloon amendment with staff having technical discretion on the bill.  Motion carried.

Senator Francisco moved, Senator McGinn seconded, to recommend SB429 as amended, favorably for passage.  Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 a.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 3, 2022.