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Sept. 1, 2024
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Minutes for HB2676 - Committee on Local Government

Short Title

Authorizing counties to create a code inspection and enforcement fund and expanding the scope of the equipment reserve fund to include other computer and electronic technologies.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 2, 2022

Chairperson Thompson called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. and opened the hearing on HB2676.

Assistant Revisor Kyle Hamilton briefed the Committee on the bill (Attachment 1).  He stated that the bill allows county commissioners by resolution to adopt a code inspection and enforcement fund, the moneys being drawn from existing funding sources within budget parameters.  He explained that the bill also expands the county equipment fund to include technology.  Responding to member questions, he replied that the new funding provision is permissive, not mandatory, and that under current law any county funds need to be authorized by statute.  He noted that the conferees would respond to other concerns.

To further respond to member questions, two members commented that the bill does not authorize new spending, but simply creates an identified "silo" for certain funds rather than residing the county general fund.  One member noted that inspection services are often a single shared service by a city and county with a designated percentage paid by each entity.

Jim Howell, Sedgwick County Commissioner, speaking via Web-Ex as a proponent for the bill, explained that when the city of Wichita and Sedgwick County agreed to share services such as code inspections, fees received for such services were directed to city and county general funds.  Creation of this fund will make accounting and auditing more transparent and efficient, and for multi-year purchases, it will help level the budgeting process (Attachment 2). Responding to a question, he replied that the bill does not create any additional fees or surcharges; it is only an accounting change.

Lindsay Poe Rousseau, Chief Financial Officer for Sedgwick County, testified as a proponent for the bill (Attachment 3).  Further recounting the city-county collaboration on code inspections, she said the same efficiency could be realized through this bill and, further, could implement technology replacement schedules through carry-over funding.

Written-only proponent testimony was submitted by Jay Hall, Deputy Director, Kansas Association of Counties (Attachment 4).

Members expressed appreciation for the intent of the bill.

The Chair closed the hearing on HB2676. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, 2022.