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Minutes for SB429 - Committee on Transparency and Ethics

Short Title

Requiring electronic filing of campaign reports by candidates for state office unless an exemption is granted for cause.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 15, 2022

Chairperson Bowers opened the hearing on SB429.  Charles Reimer, staff revisor, presented a briefing on the bill.

Mark Skoglund testified in support of SB429.  Mr. Skoglund stated currently 43 states now require electronic filing for all state candidates.  The conferee highlighted several benefits of the bill including the efficiency issue, the transparency benefit, and waivers for good cause.  Mr. Skoglund also discussed a delay of implementation as well as an amendment that ensures that electronic means an electronic system as prescribed by the secretary of state.  (Attachment 3)  Mr. Skoglund addressed questions from the Committee.

Clay Barker testified in support of SB429.  Mr. Barker's testimony stated the bill promotes transparency in campaign finance reporting and efficiency in state government operations.  Mr. Barker discussed the possibility of the Secretary of State's office constructing a working group to discuss what items could be changed now and what may take more structure.  (Attachment 4)

Chairperson Bowers closed the hearing on SB429.

Thee meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2022.