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Minutes for HB2530 - Committee on Agriculture

Short Title

Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on the labels of meat analogs when such labels do not include proper qualifying language to indicate that such products do not contain meat.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 15, 2022

Chairperson Rahjes opened the hearing on HB2530.

Kyle Hamilton, Rivisor of Statutes Office, provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions.


Aaron Popelka, V.P.  OF Legal and Government Affairs, Kansas Livestock Association, noted that members of the Kansas Livestock Association Young Stockmen were in attendance for the meeting. 

Mr. Popelka, provided testimony about differences of federal and state oversight, inspections and labeling between meat and meat analog and, requested favorable passage of this bill which would begin to level the playing field.  He stood for questions.(Attachment 1)


Kansas Commodity Commissions Joint Report(Attachment 2)


Eric Stafford, V.P. of Government Affairs, Kansas Chamber, provided testimony about the attempts by states, both in compact and individually, to develop and require specific language and labeling of meat analog since the federal government has not.  He stood for questions.(Attachment 3)


Samuel MacRoberts, Litigation Director and General Counsel, Kansas Justice Institute(Attachment 4)

Scott Schneider, Kansas Hospitality and Restaurant Association(Attachment 5)

Nicole Negowelli, V.P. of Policy and Food Systems, Plant Based Foods Association(Attachment 6)

NEUTRAL - Written

Kenneth Titus, Chief Counsel, Kansas Department of Agriculture(Attachment 7)

There were no others requesting to testify or provide written testimony.   The Chair closed the hearing on HB2530.

Members of the Kansas Livestock Association Young Stockmen introduced themselves to the Committee, They were at the Committee meeting as part of the day's agenda at the Statehouse to observe and learn more about the legislative process.  

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm.