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Minutes for HB2489 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development

Short Title

Amending provisions of the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act relating to procedures when undercapitalized or insolvent, fees and assessments, applications, examinations, insurance and capital requirements and disclosures to consumers and requiring such institutions to be mandatory reporters for purposes of elder abuse.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 9, 2022

Chair Kelly announced consideration of HB 2489, recognized David Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, who provided a refresher on HB 2489.  No questions presented.

Representative Nick Hoheisel made a motion to favorably pass HB 2489.  The motion was seconded by Representative Rui Xu.

Chair Kelly opened for discussion.

Representative Nick Hoheisel made a motion to amend HB 2489.  The motion was seconded by Representative Avery Anderson. (Attachment1)

Chair Kelly recognized David Wiese, Senior Assistant Revisor, who explained the amendment. Amendment provided to committee members in person and virtual. Question and answer period followed.

Further discussion.

Representative Nick Hoheisel closed on his motion to amend HB 2489 and the amendment was passed by the committee on a voice vote.

Further discussion.

Representative Nick Hoheisel made a motion to favorably pass HB 2489 as amended.  The motion was seconded by Representative Avery Anderson and was passed by the committee on a voice vote.