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Minutes for SB391 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Requiring the secretary of state and county election officers to develop a ballot system showing the number of years an incumbent has served in the office.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 16, 2022

The Chairman opened the hearing and called upon Jason Long for a revisor overview of the bill.

(Attachment 11)

Chairman Olson called for proponent testimony for the bill.  

Proponent Vice-Chairman Richard Hilderbrand explained that the bill would enable the voter to know how many years a public official on the ballot has served.  (Attachment 12)

Committee discussion ensued about how the years would be counted.

Written-Only Proponent:

Hannah Mingucci, Citizen (Attachment 13)

James Reever, Citizen (Attachment 14)

Jill O'Connor, Citizen   (Attachment 15)

Written-Only Opponent:

Davis Hammet, Loud Light   (Attachment 16)

Lauren Tice Miller, KNEA   (Attachment 17)

Cille King, Kansas League of Women Voters   (Attachment 18)

Neutral Rick Piepho questioned how the bill would work.  (Attachment 19)

Neutral Clay Barker explained the practical aspects and concerns of policy implementation. Mr. Barker brought attention to the implementation dates proposed by the bill and cautioned that the timelines may have some conflicts with current election deadlines.

(Attachment 20)

Seeing no more testimony the Chairman closed the hearing on the bill.