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Minutes for HB2582 - Committee on Children and Seniors

Short Title

Directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 9, 2022

Jessie Pringle, Revisor, gave an update. (Attachment 5)

Laura Howard, Secretary, Kansas Department for Children and Families, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 6)

Ed Klumpp, Legislative Liaison, Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, Kansas Sheriffs Association, Kansas Peace Officers Association, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 7)

Captain Scott Zimmerman, Moundridge Police Department, gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 8)


Proponent Written Only testimony was provided by:

Greg Benefiel, McPherson County Attorney, Kansas and County District Attorneys Association (Attachment 9)

Darrin Devinney Butller County Attorney, President, Kansas County and District Attorneys Association (Attachment 10)


The meeting adjourned at 3:16 pm.