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Minutes for HB2548 - Committee on Appropriations

Short Title

Implementing additional reporting requirements for informational technology projects and state agencies and requiring additional information technology security training and status reports.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 3, 2022

Natalie Scott, Office of Revisor of Statutes, presented the bill brief (Attachment 1).   This bill implements additional reporting requirements for information technology projects and state agencies and requires additional information technology security training and status reports.

Ms. Scott responded to questions from committee members. She stated that amendments to the bill were drafted during an interim Joint Committee on Technology meeting, which brings the statutes more in line with reporting requirements.

Representative Hoffman presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 2).  He noted there are over $283 million in active projects.  The bill will provide for oversight of IT projects with quarterly updates and adequate time for project reviews.  Proposed amendments to HB 2548 (Attachment 3) and (Attachment 4) were reviewed, as recommended by the Joint Committee on Information Technology.

Discussion followed by committee members regarding IT project reporting procedures.

Alan Weis, Legislative Chief Information Technology Officer, presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 5).

DeAngela Burns-Wallace, Executive Branch Chief Information Technology Officer, presented testimony in neutral position on the bill (Attachment 6).

John Hess, Director of Fiscal Services and Operations, Kansas State Department of Education, presented testimony as an opponent of the bill (Attachment 7).  The department is concerned that a centralized system will create inefficiencies in the IT project management system, delay IT project scheduling and create costs the department cannot absorb within existing resources.

Mr. Hess responded to questions from committee members.  Concern was expressed regarding the bill's impact on internal IT projects.