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Minutes for SB168 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Updating certain provisions of the prescription monitoring program act relating to program data, storage and access, increasing the membership of the advisory committee and providing for setup and annual maintenance fees for program data integration

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 10, 2022

Chairperson Hilderbrand opened the Hearing on SB168.

Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor gave an overview of the bill and took questions from committee members.

Alexandra Blasi gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 3) (Attachment 4)

She answered questions from committee members.

Written only, proponent testimony was submitted by:

     Carol Moreland, Kansas State Board of Nursing (Attachment 5)

     Aaron Dunkel, Kansas Pharmacists Association (Attachment 6)

     Sarah Fertig, State Medicaid Director gave neutral testimony (Attachment 7)

Written only, neutral testimony was submitted by:

     Vicki Whitaker, Kansas Association of Osteopathic Medicine (Attachment 8)

Chairperson Hilderbrand closed the hearing on SB168.

Chairperson Hilderbrand asked for a motion to approve the committee minutes for January 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20, 2022. Senator Gossage moved to approve the minutes, with a second from Senator Thompson. On a voice vote of aye, the minutes were approved.

Chairperson Hilderbrand adjourned the meeting at 9:25 a.m. The next scheduled meeting is February 11, 2022.