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Minutes for HB2480 - Committee on Water

Short Title

Amending the public water supply project loan program's definition of "project" to remove the definition's current exclusion of projects that are related to the diversion or transportation of water acquired through a water transfer.

Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 25, 2022

Chairperson Highland opened the hearing on HB 2480.

Chris Waggoner, Office of the Revisor, reviewed the bill brief for HB 2480.  (Attachment 1)

 Representative Wasinger introduced the Mayor of Hays, Mason Ruder.  Mr. Ruder testified in support of HB 2480 (Attachment 2).  Mr Ruder stood for questions, he responded to questions on water rights and funding.  The Chairperson asked Tom Stiles, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and Toby Dougherty, city manager of Hays, to stand for questions. Mr. Stiles and Mr. Dougherty responded to questions on finance, regulatory requirements, and how water rights were transferred to the City of Hays. Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Ruder responded to questions regarding water line route, size, location, and type of water line proposed. 

Sarah Chenoweth, League of Kansas Municipalities, proponent, submitted written testimony supporting HB 2480(Attachment 3)

Mayor Jim Cross, City of Russell and Jon Quinday, Russell City Manager, provided joint proponent written testimony. (Attachment 4) 

The Chairperson recognized Representative Wasinger, she expressed support of HB 2480

Tom Stiles, Kansas Department of Health Environment, Division of Water, submitted written testimony as a neutral, (Attachment 5)

There were no opponents.

The Chairperson closed the hearing on HB 2480.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 9:35 am