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Minutes for HB2090 - Committee on Transparency and Ethics

Short Title

Creating a procedure for appointment of acting official when an elected official's military service causes a vacancy.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 10, 2021

Chairperson Bowers opened the hearing on HB2090.  Jason Long, staff revisor, presented a briefing on the bill.

Representative Pat Proctor testified in support of HB2090.  Representative Proctor's testimony indicated this bill allows service members, whether in the active or reserve components, to retain their positions in state government, whether as employees or as officers, while deployed for active military service.  Representative Proctor's testimony further indicated the bill clarifies the mechanism for temporary replacement of these service members.  (Attachment 1)

After questions from the Committee were addressed, Chairperson Bowers closed the hearing on HB2090.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2021.