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Minutes for SB204 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Prohibiting a court from requiring psychiatric or psychological examinations of an alleged victim of any crime.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 17, 2021

Jason Thompson gave a bill brief on SB204 explaining it prohibits the court from requiring the victim of a crime to have a psychiatric or psychological examination. (Attachment 7)

Adam Proffitt submitted the fiscal note for SB204. (Attachment 8)

Proponent, Oral

Todd Thompson spoke in support of SB204 stating that the bill was presented last year and was passed by the Senate but did not get passed by the House because of the pandemic. He stated that requiring psychological examinations of crime victims is an archaic law based on misogynist views and that the practice should stop.  (Attachment 9)

Proponent, Written

Sara Rust-Martin, Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence (Attachment 10)

Neutral, Written

  • Jessica Glendening, Kansas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (Attachment 11)

There was no discussion. The hearing was closed.