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Minutes for HB2163 - Committee on Elections

Short Title

Repealing obsolete election laws relating to the use of census data adjustments, repealing obsolete statutes relating to the 1988 census, the presidential preference primary and certain elections-related corporate contribution restrictions.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 4, 2021

Chairperson Carpenter opened the hearing on HB2163.  An overview of this bill was given by Revisor Heim, Office of Revisor of Statutes.  Mr. Heim answered questions from Committee members.

Giving proponent testimony was Clay Barker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Assistant General Counsel. (Attachment 2)  He answered questions with the assistance of Katie Koupal, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Communications & Policy and Brian Caskey, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Elections Director.

There were no other proponents, opponents, or neutrals to offer testimony on this bill.

Chairperson Carpenter closed the hearing on HB2163.