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Minutes for HB2162 - Committee on Elections

Short Title

Amending and repealing reapportionment census data laws to conform with 2019 amendments to the Kansas constitution and to remove certain obsolete provisions.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 2, 2021

Chairperson Carpenter opened the hearing on HB2162.  He recognized Revisor Heim who gave an overview of the bill and answered questions from Committee members.

Appearing as a proponent on this bill was Clay Barker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Assistant General Counsel. (Attachment 4)

Mr. Barker answered questions from the members of the Committee.

There was no opponent or neutral testimony received on this bill.

Chairperson Carpenter closed the hearing on HB2162.

Representative Vic Miller moved, seconded by Representative Ken Collins, to suspend the 24 hour rule.  Motion passed.

There was no discussion.

Representative Cindy Neighbor moved, seconded by Emil Bergquist, HB2162 be passed.  Motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 4:39 p.m.

The next scheduled meeting of the House Elections Committee is February 4, 2021.