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Minutes for HB2085 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Creating the students' right to know act to provide information on postsecondary education options.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021

Chairperson Huebert opened the hearing on HB2085

Revisor Nick Meyers gave an overview of the bill. (Attachment 5)

Joe Horvath of Opportunity Solutions, via WEBEX, explained how this bill addresses the problems of students not having enough knowledge about the costs of higher education.  The US student debt is now $1.7 trillion dollars.  This bill increases access to an already functioning website run by the Kansas Board of Regents that provides transparency and information about Kansas colleges and universities.  (Attachment 6)

There was a discussion which included Norma Frisbie from the Kansas Board of Regents.

Written Proponent Testimony:

Blake Flanders, President of Kansas Board of Regents  (Attachment 7)

After a brief discussion, Chairperson Huebert ended the hearing on HB2085 and adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.