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Minutes for HB2112 - Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development

Short Title

Permitting online advertisement and sales of abandoned property by self-storage rental unit operators; providing for the designation by occupants of an alternate contact and limiting claims for loss or damage of stored property to the property value limit provided in the rental agreement.

Minutes Content for Mon, Jan 25, 2021

Chairperson Tarwater opened the hearing on HB2112.

Charles Reimer, Revisor gave an overview  and update of HB2112.

Whitney Damron, on behalf of the Self Storage Association presented oral testimony. as a Proponent. (Attachment 1)

David Soffer, Department of Commerce presented oral testimony as a Proponent.(Attachment 2)

There was no Opponent or Neutral oral testimony.

Written testimony provided by  the following as an opponent:

Doug Anstaett, Kansas Press Association was not present when asked if anyone from the Kansas Press Association was in the room. Mr. Anstaett testimony was entered a an Opponent and written.(Attachment 3)

A question and answer period followed.

Chairperson Tarwater closed the hearing on HB2112.