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Minutes for HB2021 - Committee on Appropriations

Short Title

Authorizing the issuance of bonds for the construction of a state veterans home.

Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 27, 2021

Chairman Waymaster opened the hearing on the bill.

Martin de Boer, Legislative Research Department, presented a briefing on HB 2021 (Attachment 2).   The bill authorizes the Kansas Development Finance Authority to issue bonds, not to exceed $17.5 million, for the purpose of financing the construction of a state veterans home.   Prospective facility locations include Douglas, Jefferson, Leavenworth, Shawnee or Wyandotte Counties.

Representative Proctor presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 3)

Wes Griffith presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 4).

Gregg Burden presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 5).

Chris Croft presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 6).

Bruce Fishback presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 7)

Steve Williams presented testimony as a proponent of the bill (Attachment 8) (Attachment 9).

Conferees responded to questions by committee members regarding bed space capacity and facility locations and costs associated with providing care for Kansas Veterans.

Chairman Waymaster closed the hearing on the bill.

Meeting adjourned at: 11:48 a.m.