House Health & Human Services - 2/23/2004 Meeting


Jim Morrison (171-W, 296-7676) Chair

Peggy Long (446-N, 296-7685) Vice Chair

Nancy Kirk (284-W, 296-7673) Ranking Minority

Bob Bethell (175-W, 296-7616)

Willa DeCastro (183-W, 296-7501)

Geraldine Flaharty (279-W, 296-7690)

Mario Goico (110-S, 296-7644)

Tom Holland (284-W, 296-7665)

Don Hill (182-W, 296-7678)

Brenda Landwehr (115-S, 296-7683)

C. Frank Miller (431-N, 296-7646)


Cindy Neighbor (556-N, 296-7663)

Doug Patterson (174-W, 296-7672)

Eber Phelps (281-W, 296-769) 

Roger Reitz (174-W, 296-7631) 

Scott Schwab (182-W, 296-7678) 

Stephanie Sharp (175-W, 296-7616) 

Judy Showalter (273-W, 296-7648) 

Sue Storm (272-W, 296-7650) 

R. J. Wilson (327-S, 296-7658) 

Jerry Williams (273-W, 296-7697)


 Find Bills:

Monday, February 23

Hearing on:                  

HB 2820 - an act concerning the Kansas Board of Healing Arts

                     Lawrence Buening, Executive Director, Kansas Board of Healing Arts (proponent)

(Fiscal Note)


HB 2867 - establishing a medical review panel for adult care homes

                     Kevin Fowler, Kansas Health Care Association (proponent)

                     Debra Zehr, Vice President, Kansas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (proponent)

                     Frank Allison, Kansas Trial Lawyers Association (opponent) (attachment)

                     Jerry Wells, Director of Governmental Affairs, Kansas Insurance Department (neutral)

                     (Fiscal note)


Not appearing but providing written testimony:

                     Monte Coffman, Executive Director, Windsor Place (proponent)

                     Paul Wurth, Director, Gatewood Care Center (proponent)

                     Deanne Bacco, Kansas Advocates for Better Care (opponent)


Staff Briefing on:

HB 2735 - registration of pharmacy technicians

HB 2760 - KDHE critical access hospitals



Possible action on bills previously heard


 Bill Wolff, Legislative Research Department (296-4442)

 Emalene Correll, Legislative Research Department (296-4403)

 Renae Jefferies, Revisor of Statutes' Office (291-3061)

 Gary Deeter, Committee Secretary (296-7676)