House Health & Human Services - 2/19/2004 Meeting


  Jim Morrison (171-W, 296-7676) Chair

Peggy Long (446-N, 296-7685) Vice Chair

Nancy Kirk (284-W, 296-7673) Ranking Minority

Bob Bethell (175-W, 296-7616)

Willa DeCastro (183-W, 296-7501)

Geraldine Flaharty (279-W, 296-7690)

Mario Goico (110-S, 296-7644)

Tom Holland (284-W, 296-7665)

Don Hill (182-W, 296-7678)

Brenda Landwehr (115-S, 296-7683)

C. Frank Miller (431-N, 296-7646)


Cindy Neighbor (556-N, 296-7663)

Doug Patterson (174-W, 296-7672)

Eber Phelps (281-W, 296-769) 

Roger Reitz (174-W, 296-7631) 

Scott Schwab (182-W, 296-7678) 

Stephanie Sharp (175-W, 296-7616) 

Judy Showalter (273-W, 296-7648) 

Sue Storm (272-W, 296-7650) 

R. J. Wilson (327-S, 296-7658) 

Jerry Williams (273-W, 296-7697)


Thursday, February 19              

Approval of Committee Minutes for February 16, 17, and 18


Staff briefing on:

HB 2657 - an act concerning mortuary arts

HB 2717 - an act licensing crematory operators

HB 2718 - an act increasing the limits on funeral service agreements


Hearing on:


HB 2657 - an act concerning mortuary arts

                     Mack Smith, Executive Secretary, Kansas State Board of Mortuary Arts (proponent)                    (fiscal note)


HB 2717 - an act licensing crematory operators

                     Pam Scott, Executive Director, Kansas Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association (proponent)                    (fiscal note)


HB 2718 - an act increasing the limits on funeral service agreements

                     Pam Scott, Executive Director, Kansas Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association (proponent)         (fiscal note)

                     Candy Shively, Deputy Secretary, Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitative Services (neutral)


Staff briefing on:

HB 2820 - concerning the Board of Healing Arts

HB 2867 - establishing a medical review panel for adult care homes


Possible action on bills previously heard


A reminder that the Committee will meet tomorrow (Friday) after adjournment of the House in order to work bills previously heard.


 Bill Wolff, Legislative Research Department (296-4442)

 Emalene Correll, Legislative Research Department (296-4403)

 Renae Jefferies, Revisor of Statutes' Office (291-3061)

 Gary Deeter, Committee Secretary (296-7676)