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Aug. 31, 2024
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Minutes for HB2842 - Committee on Legislative Modernization

Short Title

Transferring all information technology services under the chief information technology officer of each branch of government, creating chief information security officers within the judicial and legislative branches, requiring a chief information security officer to be appointed by the attorney general, secretary of state, state treasurer and insurance commissioner and requiring the chief information security officers to implement certain minimum cybersecurity standards, making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, and June 30, 2026, for the office of information technology, Kansas information security office and the adjutant general, authorizing certain transfers and imposing certain limitations and restrictions, and directing or authorizing certain disbursements and procedures for all state agencies and requiring legislative review of state agencies not in compliance with this act.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 20, 2024

Chair Wasinger requested discussion and possible action on HB2842.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to pass out HB2842 favorably.  Representative Rhiley seconded the motion.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to amend HB2842 (Attachment 1).  Representative Penn seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to amend HB2842 (Attachment 2).  Representative Penn seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to amend HB2842 (Attachment 3) .  Representative Howerton seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Representative Rhiley motioned to amend HB2842 by removing "to practice and".  Vice Chair Carpenter seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to amend HB2842 (Attachment 4).  Ranking Minority Member Stogsdill seconded the motion, Motion passed.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to remove the contents of SB291 and insert the contents of HB2842 as amended.  Representative Penn seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to have the Revisor of Statutes clarify language in the bill in order to meet the intent of the Committee. Representative Rhiley seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Vice Chair Carpenter motioned to pass out favorably H Sub SB291 as amended.  Representative Penn seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Chair Wasinger adjourned the meeting at 10:10 am.