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Sept. 1, 2024
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Minutes for HB2833 - Committee on Veterans and Military

Short Title

Modifying the definition of veteran and disabled veteran to create a common definition for each term and clarifying disability evaluations for benefits granted to disabled veterans.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 14, 2024

The Revisor briefed the Committee on the contents of the bill.  (Attachment 9)  She stood for questions.

Representative Tim Johnson was the first proponent. (Attachment 10)  He said provisions of this bill will conform Kansas statutory language defining "veteran" and "service-connected disabled veteran" to federal statutory language. It would create a common definition and clarify disability evaluations for benefits granted disabled veterans. Representative Johnson said support for this bill comes from a unified group of military and veterans organizations across the State and provides for greater ease in addressing the needs of veterans.

According to Mike Kelly (Attachment 11) this bill will clarify definitions of "veteran", "service-connected veteran" and related terms to align Kansas law with federal law.  He said such clarity will permit easier administration of Kansas laws.

Representative Dodson moved to suspend the rules, seconded by Representative Weigel, motion carrried.  Back on the bill.  Representative Johnson moved to pass HB2833 favorably from Committee, seconded by Representative Hill, motion carried.

The Chairman closed the hearing on HB2833.

The Chairman asked for approval of the Minutes for the March 7 meeting.  Representative Johnson moved that the Minutes be approved, seconded by Representative Goddard. Motion carried.


The Chairman and Vice Chairman thanked the Revisors, Researchers and Committee Assistant for their work throughout the session.


There being no further business before the Committee the meeting was adjourned.