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Minutes for HB2830 - Committee on Veterans and Military

Short Title

Prescribing documentation requirements to determine eligibility for any benefit derived from a service-connected disability.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 14, 2024

The Revisor reviewed the bill for the Committee. (Attachment 3) 

Representative Thompson was the first proponent. (Attachment 4)  According to Representative Thompson this bill defines the terms "service-connected" and "veteran."  HB2830 also limits the documentation required to determine eligibility for benefits derived from a service-connected disability.

Mike Kelly testified that this bill will clarify definitions and related terms to align Kansas law with federal law.  (Attachment 5)

Representative Dodson moved to suspend the rules, seconded by Representative Weigel, motion carried.  Back on the bill.  Representative Thompson moved to pass HB2830 favorably from Committee, seconded by Representative Johnson, motion carried.

The Chairman closed the hearing on HB2830 and opened the hearing on HB2831.