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Aug. 31, 2024
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Minutes for HB2607 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Amending the Kansas pesticide law to expand the applicability of civil and criminal penalties and update requirements for training and supervision, proof of financial responsibility, pesticide applications in the sodium cyanide predator control category and record retention by government agencies.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 12, 2024

Chairman Peck opened the hearing on HB2607 at 9:02 am.

Representative Fred Gardner continued with his testimony. (Attachment 5) Rep. Gardner took the bill to applicators and dealers in his district and there were two thing that came up right away that they had exception to, one is in the existing statute they have a private applicator that has the ability to or the permission to apply pesticides to other peoples property but not for money but for barter or trade.There was an amendment added in the House committee and would encourage the committee to leave that amendment in the bill. The other part was the penalties per violation of the statute or rules or regulations. Rep. Gardner had an amendment to reduce the penalties from $100 to $500 per violation and $2500 cap on civil penalties. This did pass out of committee and on the floor. However he believes that the maximum penalty should be reinstated to $5,000 for businesses. For private applicators and individual's his amendment would be fine for them.

Representative Gardner stood for questions.

Claudia Hissong, Kansas Farm Bureau (KFB) gave proponent testimony on the bill (Attachment 6).  This bill is a result of EPA updating the Certification of Pesticide Applicators regulations to set stronger standards for those who apply restricted use pesticides. KFB is supportive of this bill to remain in compliance with EPA guidelines and keep state primacy.  Additionally, KFB appreciates decreasing the maximum cap of a fine for private applicator and setting an overall maximum penalty amount.

Ms. Hissong stood for questions.

Taylor Williams, Kansas Corn Growers Association (KCGA), submitted supporting testimony for the bill. (Attachment 7) KCGA is a proponent of the bill and encourages the committee to move forward and pass this bill. Should KDA not maintain compliance, the state would revert to a federal certification and training plan, an unprecedented step that would cause wholesale change in the pesticide authority in the state.

Mr. Williamson stood for questions

Steve Hitchcock, Government Affairs, Kansas Agricultural Aviation Association (KAAA) provided testimony in support of the bill as amended.(Attachment 8)  A key provision, from our perspective, is the establishment of the aerial pest control category for certification of all aerial application technologies.

Mr. Hitchcock stood for questions

Shahia Stafford, Kansas Cooperative Council presented written proponent. (Attachment 9)

Chairman Peck closed the hearing on HB2607 and adjourned the meeting at 9:23 am.