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Sept. 1, 2024
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Minutes for HB2783 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Prohibiting a state agency, city or county from restricting the sale or use of motor vehicles based on the energy source used for the vehicles; allowing a state agency, city and county to have their own purchase policies for motor vehicles.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 20, 2024

Chairperson Carpenter opened the floor for discussion and action on HB2783.  The revisor provided a summary of the bill.

Representative Hoye moved to amend HB2783, seconded by Representative Clayton

Representative Hoye stated that the amendment (Attachment 2) removes the cities and counties from the bill.  On line 8, the words "regulate or" would also be removed from the bill.

Discussion followed.

Representative Hoye closed on her amendment.  An oral vote was taken, and the Chair stated that the no's prevailed.  The amendment to HB2783 failed.

The following representatives asked to have their yes votes recorded:  Representatives Clayton, Hoye, Miller, Haswood, Haskins, Winn, and Ruiz.

Discussion continued on HB2783

Representative Kessler moved to recommend HB2783 favorably for passage, seconded by Representative Sanders

An oral vote was taken, and the Chair stated that the ayes had it.  HB2783 was favorably passed.

The following representatives asked to have their no votes recorded:  Representatives Clayton, Hoye, Haskins, Miller, Winn, Ruiz, and Haswood.