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Minutes for HB2607 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Amending the Kansas pesticide law to expand the applicability of civil and criminal penalties and update requirements for training and supervision, proof of financial responsibility, pesticide applications in the sodium cyanide predator control category and record retention by government agencies.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 15, 2024

Chairperson Rahjes called for final action on HB 2607 and requested Kyle Hamilton, Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes, to review the bill.  There were no questions.

Chairperson Rahjes recognized Representative Moser.

Representative Moser moved, seconded by Representative Carlin, to pass out favorably HB 2607.

Chairperson Rahjes recognized Representative Minnix.

Representative Minnix moved, seconded by Representative Jacobs, to amend HB 2607. (Attachment 1)

Discussion ensued.

Motion passed.

Representative Gardner moved, seconded by Representative Jacobs, to amend HB 2607.  (Attachment 2)

Discussion ensued.

Motion passed.

Chairperson Rahjes recognized Representative Moser.

Representative Moser moved, seconded by Representative Jacobs, to amend HB 2607.  Motion passed. (Attachment 3)

Representative Moser had another amendment.

Representative Moser moved, seconded by Representative Jacobs, to amend HB 2607. (Attachment 4)

Discussion ensued.

Motion passed.

Chairperson Rahjes recognized Representative Roth.

Representative Roth moved, seconded by Representative Jacobs, to amend HB 2607.  Motion passed. (Attachment 5)

Chairperson Rahjes recognized Representative Moser.

Representative Moser moved, seconded by Representative Carlin, to pass out HB 2607 as amended.

Discussion ensued.

Motion passed.