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Sept. 1, 2024
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Minutes for HB2705 - Committee on Higher Education Budget

Short Title

Authorizing the state board of regents to sell and convey certain real property in the city of Manhattan, Riley county, Kansas, on behalf of Kansas state university.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 13, 2024

Chairman Howe opened hearing on HB2705.

Jill Wolters briefed the committee on HB2705. She stood for questions.(Attachment4)

Derek Jackson, Kansas State University testified in support of HB2705.  Several questions were asked. Wesley Wence of Kansas State University responded to the questions regarding renovations for  Forsyth Hall.  (Attachment5).

When committee questions were answered, Chair Howe closed the hearing on HB2705.

Chair Howe adjourned the meeting at 2:46 pm.