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Aug. 31, 2024
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Minutes for HB2682 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Authorizing the director of vehicles to adopt rules and regulations for participation in the federal motor carriers safety administration's drug and alcohol clearinghouse and disqualifying a person's commercial vehicle driving privileges when such person has violated or is noncompliance with the requirements of the clearinghouse.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 12, 2024

Chris Waggoner, Assistant Revisor, provided the committee with a briefing of the bill. (Attachment 9)

Kent Selk, Driver Services Senior Manager , KDOR, gave testimony in support of HB2682 as the legislation would ensure Kansas is compliant with Federal Motor Carrier Associations rule on Drug an Alcohol Clearing House. (Attachment 10)

Deann Williams provided written only testimony in support of the bill.(Attachment 11)

There were no opponents and no neutral testimonies.

The chair closed the hearing on HB2682.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.