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Aug. 31, 2024
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Minutes for HB2614 - Committee on Legislative Modernization

Short Title

Requiring state agencies to provide to the public notice of revocation of administrative rules and regulations and removing abolished state agencies from state agency review requirement.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 7, 2024

Chair Wasinger opened a hearing on HB2614

Self briefed the Committee on HB2614. (Attachment 1)  He stood for questions.

Barker presented testimony to the Committee in support of HB2614 by stating that K.S.A. 77-426 is "silent on how to let the public know to request a hearing".  This bill requires "written notice to affected [entities] . . . of the intended revocation and the opportunity to request a public hearing". (Attachment 2)  He stood for questions.

No testimony, neutral or in opposition to HB2614 was presented to the Committee.

After all questions from the Committee were answered, Chair Wasinger closed the hearing on HB2614.