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Minutes for HB2518 - Committee on Elections

Short Title

Authorizing the secretary of state, after consultation with county election officers, to adopt rules and regulations for the use of remote ballot boxes.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 6, 2024

Chairperson Proctor opened the hearing on HB2518 and recognized Assistant Revisor, Mike Heim, Office of Revisor of Statutes who presented overview of the bill and stated time frame for adopting rules of remote ballot boxes could be problematic.

Conferees providing proponent testimony for HB2518 included:

Clay Barker, Deputy Secretary of State General Counsel spoke in favor of HB2518. (Attachment 12)

Rick Piepho, Kansas County Clerks & Election Officials, Harvey County spoke in support of HB2518. (Attachment 13)

Proponents providing written only testimony included:

Cille King, League of Women Voters of Kansas (Attachment 14)

Conferees testifying as neutral for HB2518 included:

Mike Burgess, Director of Policy & Outreach, Disability Rights Center of Kansas, provided neutral testimony of HB2518. (Attachment 15)

Conferees testifying in opposition for HB2518 included:

Davis Hammet, Loud Light Civic Action, provided testimony in opposition to HB2518. (Attachment 16)

Opponents providing written only testimony included:

Missy Leavitt, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 17)

Thad Snider, We The People (Attachment 18)

Kari Sue Vosburgh, Sedgwick County Precinct, We The People (Attachment 19)

Vicki Kline, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 20)

Jill O'Connor, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 21)

Jaime Kissinger, Sedgwick County Precinct Committeewoman (Attachment 22)

Brett Anderson, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 23)

Stacie Harvey, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 24)

Hannah Mingucci, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 25)

Roger Lomshek, Kansas GOP Communications Director (Attachment 26)

Chairperson Proctor closed the hearing on HB2518.