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Sept. 1, 2024
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Minutes for SB336 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Removing the requirement for underground storage tank operating permits to be obtained annually.

Minutes Content for Thu, Jan 18, 2024

Senator Peck called for final action on SB336 at 8:54 am.

Senator Francisco proposed an amendment to the bill that would repeal K.S.A. 65-34,130(Attachment 2)

Senator Francisco moved the amendment and Senator Ware seconded the proposed amendment. Motion carried.

 Senator Francisco proposed a second amendment(Attachment 2) to that bill that would  change the bill to read "obtain or renew" permits and rules and regulations clarification.

The amendment was divided into 2 parts by Senator Francisco. Part 1 would be to add "or renew".

Senator Francisco moved the amendment  and Senator McGinn seconded Part 1 of the proposed amendment. Motion carried.

Part 2 of the amendment pertained to Rules and Regulations Clarification.

Senator Francisco moved the amendment  and Senator Ware seconded Part 2 of the proposed amendment. Motion failed.

Senator Francisco moved and Senator Fagg seconded to recommend SB336 as amended favorably for passage. Motion carried.

Chairman Peck closed the hearing and adjourned the meeting at 9:20 am.