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Aug. 31, 2024
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Minutes for HB2551 - Committee on Appropriations

Short Title

Joint committee on special claims against the state; making appropriations; authorizing certain transfers; authorizing certain disbursements.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 1, 2024

Chairperson Waymaster opened the hearing on HB2551.

Murl Riedel, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Research Department, provided information about HB2551. (Attachment 1)

Murl Riedel stood for questions from the committee.

Chairperson Waymaster invited anyone wanting to address the committee as a proponent, opponent, or with neutral testimony. 

Proponent testimony in person:

  • Representative Humphries, Chairperson of the Joint Committee on Special Claims Against the State, informed the Appropriations committee that the Joint Committee met over three days and heard 60 to 70 claims. The claimants are often prisoners.

No opponent or neutral testimony was given.

Chairperson Waymaster closed the public hearing on HB2551.