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Aug. 31, 2024
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Minutes for HB2525 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Providing for additional sources of revenue for the water program management fund and creating additional fees for the regulation of underground injection control wells.

Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 30, 2024

Chairperson Rahjes opened the hearing on HB 2525 and Revisor Hamilton was asked to give an overview. (Attachment 7)  There were no questions.

Tom Stiles, Bureau Director, Bureau of Water, Kansas Department of Health and Environment was introduced by Chairperson Rahjes.  He provided proponent testimony and answered questions from Committee members. (Attachment 8)

Oral proponent testimony was also offered by Michael Gillaspie, Director, Government Relations, ONEOK. (Attachment 9)  There were no questions.

There was no oral or written-only opponent testimony and no oral neutral testimony.

Written-only neutral testimony was received from Wendi Stark, Legislative Liaison, The League of Kansas Municipalities (Attachment 10)

Chairperson Rahjes closed the hearing on HB 2525.

Copies of the Kansas Agricultural Remediation Board Annual Report for 2023 and the Kansas Agricultural Remediation Board Financial Statements with Independent Auditor's Report were emailed to the Committee.  These required reports were submitted by Randy Stookey, JD, IOM, Administrator, Kansas Agricultural Board.

The next meeting of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee will be Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

The meeting adjourned at 4:41 p.m.