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Minutes for HB2194 - Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care

Short Title

Enacting the Representative Gail Finney memorial foster care bill of rights.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 15, 2023

The Chair opened discussion on HB2194, and motioned to amend to include non discriminatory language, seconded by Representative Underhill. (Attachment 6)  Revisor Jessie Pringle outlined the amendment for the committee. There were no questions or comments.    Motion passed.

The Chair motioned to amend to define kinship/caregiver (Attachment 7)   seconded by Representative Underhill.  Motion passed.

Representative Johnson motioned to amend to include language in support of the Federal Indian Child Welfare Law; (Attachment 8), motion was seconded by Representative Neighbor.    Motion passed. 

Representative Neighbor motioned and Representative Johnson seconded the motion to pass HB2194, favorable, as amended, out of committee.  Motion passed.