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Minutes for SB274 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation

Short Title

Requiring the use of the cost approach for special purpose property for property tax valuation purposes.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 15, 2023

Revisor Amelia Kovar-Donohue provided a summary of the bill.(Attachment 1)

Proponent in-person testimony: Larry Goldman, Kansas Self Storage Association (Attachment 2)

Eric Hughes, Strickland Construction (Attachment 3)

Frank Meade (Attachment 4)

Proponent written testimony: Mark Augustine, Triplett Inc (Attachment 5)

Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber (Attachment 6)

Opponent in-person testimony: Aaron Popelka, Kansas Livestock Association (Attachment 7)

Opponent written testimony:  Nathan Eberline, League of Kansas Municipalities (Attachment 8)

Neutral in-person testimony:  Randy Stookey, Kansas Grain and Feed Association; Renew Kansas Biofuels Association (Attachment 9)

Neutral written testimony: Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties (Attachment 10)