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Minutes for SB252 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation

Short Title

Providing for exemptions from property tax and sales tax for certain businesses competing against governmental entities.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 21, 2023

Revisor Amelia Kovar-Donohue provided a summary of the bill. (Attachment 1)

Proponent in-person testimony: Senate President Ty Masterson (no written testimony provided)

Eric Stafford, Kansas Chamber (Attachment 2)

Opponent in-person testimony: Spencer Duncan, League of Kansas Municipalities (Attachment 3)

Sean Gatewood, Kansas EMS Association (Attachment 4)

Mike Taylor, Kansas County Commissioners Association (Attachment 5)

Opponent webex testimony: Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties (Attachment 6)

Opponent written testimony: Debbie Cox, Ford County Clerk (Attachment 7)

Kim Everley, McLouth City Administrator (Attachment 8)

Ron Fehr, Manhattan City Manager (Attachment 9)

Mike Kelly, Johnson County Board of County Commissioners (Attachment 10)

Michael Koss, City of Overland Park (Attachment 11)

Shane Krull, Miami County Administrator (Attachment 12)

Amy Lange, Concordia City Manager (Attachment 13)

Randy Leis, Meade County Commissioner (Attachment 14)

Stuart Little, Little Government Relations (Attachment 15)

Peter Meitzner, Sedgwick County Board of County Commissioners (Attachment 16)

Amanda Stanley, Topeka City Attorney (Attachment 17)

Neutral testimony: None