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Minutes for HB2333 - Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development

Short Title

Providing for disqualification from employment security benefits for failing to attend a job interview without giving notice to the prospective employer or for failing to respond to a job offer.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 15, 2023

Chairman Tarwater called the meeting to order.

Charles Reimer Revisor,  briefed the committee on the bill and stood for questions.

The following presented testimony as a proponent:

Eric Stafford , Vice President of Government Affairs, Kansas Chamber(Attachment 1)

Phil Hayes, Vice Presidnt of the Arnold Group on behalf of KSSHRM(Attachment 2)

Andrew Wiens,  Opportunity Solutions Project(Attachment 3)

Dan Murray, Kansas State Director National Federation of Independent Owners(Attachment 4)

Written proponent  testimony was provided by:

Amber Shultz, Secretary,  Kansas Department of Labor(Attachment 5)

Chairman Tarwater closed the hearing on HB2333.