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Minutes for HB2102 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Pensions

Short Title

Making appropriations for FY 2023 for the state treasurer for the repurchase of certain KPERS pension obligation revenue bonds.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 6, 2023

Chair Hoheisel opened the hearing on HB 2102, recognized Steven Wu, Senior Analyst, Kansas Legislative Research Department, who provided an overview on HB 2102. (Attachment1). A brief question and answer period followed.

Proponent - Chair Hoheisel recognized Steven Johnson, State Treasurer, Treasurer's Office who provided testimony in support of HB 2102(Attachment2); followed by Adam C. Proffitt, Acting Secretary of Administration and Director of Budget, (Attachment3).  A question and answer period followed each conferee.

Neutral - Chair Hoheisel recognized Jim MacMurray, CFA, Senior Vice President-Finance, Kansas Development Finance Authority (KDFA), who provided neutral testimony on HB 2102(Attachment4)  A question and answer period followed.

Opponent - None

Chair Hoheisel closed the hearing on HB 2102.