As Amended by Senate Committee on
Public Health and Welfare

Brief (1)

HB 2313, as amended, concerns the Board of Nursing. The bill:

The Senate Committee amendments delete all new authority for the Board of Nursing to require approval of the Board and completion of a study plan prior to taking the examination required for initial licensure as a nurse or mental health technician solely because the applicant for the examination did not take the examination within 24 months of completing the approved education required to be licensed. The Board does not have such authority under existing law. The other Senate Committee amendment is technical since the Board regulates only those courses in anesthesia offered in Kansas.


HB 2313 was requested by the Board of Nursing whose representative explained that the bill clarifies the examination requirements for applicants for licensure in different professions regulated by the Board, more appropriately describes the Board's action to approve schools and programs as opposed to accrediting them, and allows the Board to accept nationally accredited programs, thereby reducing the duplication process for schools and programs that must be approved by the state and that also seek voluntary accreditation by peer organizations.

The bill is supported by the Kansas State Nurses Association.

The fiscal note prepared by the Division of the Budget indicates passage of the bill could have the potential for saving administrative operations to both schools and the Board with the increase in years between the Board's approval of schools. The schools would continue to submit an annual fee to maintain their approval status.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at