As Amended by Senate Committee on

Ways and Means


S.B. 394 extends the existence of the SRS Transition Oversight Committee until July 1, 2000 and makes other policy changes as to the operation of the Committee. Current law abolishes the Committee on July 1, 1998.

The bill adjusts the terms of the members of the Committee to conform with the time extension. In addition, the bill amends current law to eliminate the prohibition on legislators representing Shawnee County or Cowley County from serving on the Committee. The responsibilities of the Committee are amended to include oversight of all privatization activities of the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) and the Department on Aging. The oversight function of the Committee is expanded to include monitoring, reviewing, and reporting on the activities of SRS related to the implementation of federal welfare reform law.


S.B. 394 was first introduced by the SRS Transition Oversight Committee. As originally introduced, the bill would have extended the existence of the Committee to July 1, 2002 (an extension of four years). The Senate Committee on Ways and Means amended the bill to abolish the Committee on July 1, 2000 (an extension of two years) and made technical adjustments to reflect the amended abolition date.

Michael Byington, Director of the Envision Governmental Affairs Office, appeared in support of the bill.

The bill would have no fiscal impact on state operations.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at