Ch. 58             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             171

Chapter 58

HOUSE BILL No. 2279*

An Act concerning livestock; relating to disposition of pseudorabies virus infected swine;

duties of livestock commissioner; indemnity to owners.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

Section 1. (a) The livestock commissioner is hereby authorized to
take control of any pseudorabies infected herd of swine from the owner.
A pseudorabies infected herd of swine is a herd that has been determined
to be infected with pseudorabies virus by official pseudorabies testing
procedures conducted at approved veterinary diagnostic laboratories from
adequate samples collected from the herd by an accredited veterinarian.

(b) For any such herd, the livestock commissioner shall develop and
monitor a mandatory infected herd plan to eradicate the virus from the

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owner's premises. If, in the opinion of the livestock commissioner, suf-
ficient progress toward pseudorabies free status, as defined in the state-
federal-industry pseudorabies eradication program as in effect on the ef-
fective date of this act, is not being made, the livestock commissioner
shall order the depopulation of such herd.

(c) Whenever any swine are depopulated under provisions of this act
by order of the livestock commissioner, the owner of such swine shall be
paid for such swine in an amount determined by the livestock commis-
sioner from funds appropriated for such purpose by the legislature.

(d) The livestock commissioner may adopt rules and regulations as
necessary to carry out the purposes of this act.

Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.

Approved April 4, 1997.