January 26, 1999

Journal of the Senate

Senate Chamber, Topeka, Kansas
Tuesday, January 26, 1999--2:30 p.m.
 The Senate was called to order by Vice-President Alicia L. Salisbury.

 The roll was called with forty senators present.

  Vice-President Salisbury introduced Senator Stan Clark, who delivered the invocation:


        Help me to slow down and take time for you.

        To realize that you are not here for me,

        but that I am here for you.
        Give me the wisdom to separate the significant from the superficial,

        The eternal from the urgent.
        Give me wisdom as I struggle with voting for bills that replace inner moral conviction
      with external statutory power.

        Help me to understand that my purpose is not to establish a moral society,

        But to glorify you.
        Father, I pray that through each of our lives, our faithfulness to you will be reflected in
      our culture.

        Guide and direct our thoughts, our words and our actions as we serve the citizens of
      our state.

        I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen

 The following bills were introduced and read by title:

   SB 130, An act enacting the revised Kansas trademark act; repealing K.S.A. 81-111
through 81-123, by Committee on Judiciary.

 SB 131, An act concerning crimes, criminal procedure and punishment; prescribing
certain penalties; amending K.S.A. 21-3503, 21-3504, 21-3505, 21-3510, 21-3520, 21-3705,
21-4605, 21-4635 and 21-4638 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 8-262, 8-287, 21-3402, 21-3810, 21-
4603d, 21-4704, 21-4706, 22-3717, 22-4902 and 75-5217 and repealing the existing sections,
by Committee on Judiciary.

 SB 132, An act concerning drycleaners; amending the Kansas drycleaner environmental
response act; amending K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 65-34,144, 65-34,146, 65-34,148, 65-34,151, 65-
34,152 and 65-34,153 and repealing the existing sections, by Committee on Energy and
Natural Resources.

 SB 133, An act concerning civil procedure and civil actions; relating to expedited
determination of strategic lawsuits against public participation actions; providing for
assessment of attorney fees, costs and damages in certain situations, by Senator Clark.

 SB 134, An act concerning motor vehicles; requiring front license plates for certain
vehicles; amending K.S.A. 8-127, 8-132, 8-134, 8-145a, 8-145b, 8-145c, 8-147, 8-147a, 8-
148, 8-161, 8-161b, 8-162, 8-195, 8-1,126, 8-1,130, 8-1,133, 8-1,139 and 32-901 and K.S.A.
1998 Supp. 8-133, 8-135, 8-139, 8-142, 8-143, 8-145, 8-177a, 8-177c, 8-1,125, 8-1,129, 8-
1,140, 8-1,142, 8-1,145, 8-1,146, 8-1567 and 66-1,109 and repealing the existing sections,
by Committee on Transportation and Tourism.

 SB 135, An act concerning the health care reform legislative oversight committee;
expiration date; repealing K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 46-2501, 46-2502, 46-2503, 46-2504, 46-2505
and 46-2506, by Committee on Public Health and Welfare.

 SB 136, An act concerning state officers and employees; relating to the state cafeteria
plan; establishing a short-term disability program; amending K.S.A. 75-6512 and repealing
the existing section, by Committee on Ways and Means.

 SB 137, An act concerning state workers compensation self-insurance fund; amending
K.S.A. 44-575 and repealing the existing section, by Committee on Ways and Means.

 SB 138, An act concerning state employees; relating to disciplinary actions; amending
K.S.A. 75-2929d and 75-2949 and repealing the existing sections, by Committee on Ways
and Means.

 SB 139, An act concerning state agencies; relating to self-insurance assessment rates;
amending K.S.A. 44-576 and repealing the existing section, by Committee on Ways and

 SB 140, An act concerning campaign finance; relating to contributions; amending K.S.A.
1998 Supp. 25-4153a and repealing the existing section, by Senator Hardenburger.

 SB 141, An act repealing K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 19-101i; relating to powers and duties of the
board of county commissioners, by Committee on Elections and Local Government.

 SB 142, An act concerning the termination of pregnancies; imposing limitations on
postviability abortions; imposing penalties for violations thereof; amending K.S.A. 1998
Supp. 65-445, 65-6703 and 65-6712 and repealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A.
1998 Supp. 65-2837b and 65-6721, by Committee on Federal and State Affairs.

 SB 143, An act concerning civil procedure; relating to exemptions from claims of
creditors; pension and retirement assets; amending K.S.A. 60-2308 and repealing the existing
section, by Committee on Judiciary.

 SB 144, An act concerning acupuncture; providing for the licensure of certain persons
to practice acupuncture; establishing an acupuncture review committee; providing for
administration by the state board of healing arts; authorizing the fixing and collecting of
fees; providing penalties for violations, by Committee on Public Health and Welfare.

 The following bills were referred to Committees as indicated:

   Assessment and Taxation: SB 124.

 Commerce: SB 127.

 Education: SB 129.

 Financial Institutions & Insurance: SB 120, 121, 122.

 Judiciary: SB 125.

 Public Health and Welfare: SB 126, 128.

 Utilities: SB 123.

 Committee on Education recommends SB 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
be passed.

 Committee on Public Health and Welfare recommends SCR 1606 be amended on
page 1, in line 42, by striking ``state of''; and the concurrent resolution be adopted as

   On motion of Senator Emert the Senate adjourned until 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, January
27, 1999.

HELEN A. MORELAND, Journal Clerk.

PAT SAVILLE, Secretary of Senate.