January 29, 1998

Journal of the House



Hall of the House of Representatives, Topeka, KS,

Thursday, January 29, 1998, 11:00 a.m. 

 The House met pursuant to adjournment with Speaker pro tem Wagle in the chair.

 The roll was called with 121 members present.

 Rep. Lloyd was excused on verified illness.

 Reps. Packer and Powell were excused on excused absence by the Speaker.

 Prayer by guest chaplain, the Rev. Tom Rees, associate pastor, Flint Hills Christian
Church, Emporia, and guest of Rep. Long:

       Our Father in heaven, we come to You this day thanking you for life. We thank
      you for creating us in Your image which gives us a special place and profound re-
      sponsibility above all other created things. Since you are Creator, you have enabled
      us to be creative in music, art, design and problem solving. Because You are wise,
      in Your image we have the capacity to reason, communicate, think and make choices.
      Help these gathered here to make good choices that honor You. Because You are
      Love, we have a capacity to receive and give love to others. Because you are com-
      passionate, you give us the potential for great compassion. Because You are eternal,
      You have placed eternity in the hearts of all people and You have made a way through
      Your Son, Jesus, obtain eternal life and through Him have shown us and empowered
      us to live as You intend--holy as You are Holy.

       There are things You are, that we cannot be. You are infinite; we are finite. You
      are all powerful and need nothing. We need much and depend on You, even for
      breath. You are everywhere all the time, even in this chamber. You see all; we cannot.
      Therefore, help these men and women to see what they must to govern properly.

       Dear Father, because each person in this room and in the world is created in Your
      image, we are all precious to You. Help us to realize by virtue of Your ownership
      and creation we must consider every person as precious as well. May these men and
      women here today aspire to everything that you are and may they lead our state to
      trust in You.

       I pray this to You in the name of the One who saves us from our sins, Jesus Christ,
      Your Son. Amen.


 The following bills and concurrent resolution were introduced and read by title:

 HB 2735, An act concerning vital statistics; relating to the form of certificates; amending
K.S.A. 65-2415 and repealing the existing section, by Representative Dreher.

 HB 2736, An act relating to motor vehicles; concerning the removal of disabled vehicles;
amending K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 8-1102 and repealing the existing section, by Committee on

 HB 2737, An act concerning the taxation of motor fuels; relating to aviation fuel; amend-
ing K.S.A. 79-3401, 79-3402, 79-3403, 79-3405, 79-3406, 79-3407, 79-3408, 79-3408c, 79-
3409, 79-3410, 79-3415, 79-3416, 79-3417, 79-3419, 79-3420, 79-3421, 79-3424, 79-3425,
79-3461, 79-3464d, 79-3464e, 79-34,141 and 79-34,142 and repealing the existing sections;
also repealing K.S.A. 79-3408g and 79-34,143, by Committee on Transportation.

 HB 2738, An act concerning weights and measures; relating to liquefied petroleum;
exchanged containers; amending K.S.A. 83-148 and repealing the existing section, by Com-
mittee on Agriculture.

 HB 2739, An act concerning crimes and punishment; relating to identity theft, by Com-
mittee on Federal and State Affairs.

 HB 2740, An act concerning intoxicating liquors; relating to sales by retailers; amending
K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 41-712 and repealing the existing section, by Committee on Federal and
State Affairs.

 HB 2741, An act concerning insurance; relating to the licensure and regulation of pro-
ducers thereof; amending K.S.A. 40-214, 40-246c, 40-246d, 40-246e, 40-282, 40-299, 40-
2,106, 40-2,107, 40-2,131, 40-2,132, 40-2,133, 40-741, 40-1612, 40-1613, 40-2209l, 40-
2209m, 40-2406, 40-2508, 40-2612, 40-3608, 40-3618, 40-37a01, 40-37a02, 40-37a04,
40-37a05, 40-37a06, 40-4103, 40-4117, 40-4119 and 44-592 and K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 40-246b,
40-2,118, 40-2,125, 40-2,135, 40-2c21, 40-1909, 40-19a10, 40-19c09 and 40-2404 and re-
pealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 40-240g, 40-241a, 40-241b, 40-241c,
40-241e, 40-241f, 40-241g, 40-241h, 40-241j, 40-241k, 40-244, 40-245, 40-246a, 40-246f,
40-3701, 40-3702, 40-3703, 40-3704, 40-3705, 40-3707, 40-3708, 40-3709, 40-3710, 40-
3711, 40-3712, 40-3713, 40-3714 and 40-4109 and K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 40-239, 40-240, 40-
240f, 40-241, 40-241i, 40-242, 40-246, 40-247 and 40-3706, by Committee on Insurance.

 HB 2742, An act concerning certain equipment dealerships; relating to manufacturer
agreements; amending K.S.A. 16-1204, 16-1307, 16-1309, 16-1407 and 16-1409 and re-
pealing the existing sections, by Committee on Business, Commerce and Labor.

 HB 2743, An act concerning the Kansas underground utility damage prevention act;
amending K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 66-1802 and 66-1810 and repealing the existing sections, by
Committee on Utilities.

 HB 2744, An act concerning crimes and punishment; relating to fleeing or eluding a
police officer; amending K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 8-1568 and repealing the existing section, by
Representative Huff.

 HB 2745, An act concerning consumer protection; relating to door-to-door sales; amend-
ing K.S.A. 50-640 and repealing the existing section, by Representative O'Neal.

 HB 2746, An act concerning school districts; authorizing certain payments to certificated
personnel to be made from inservice education funds; amending K.S.A. 72-9609 and re-
pealing the existing section, by Committee on Education.

 HB 2747, An act concerning school district capital improvements; affecting determina-
tion of state aid entitlements; amending K.S.A. 75-2319 and repealing the existing section,
by Committee on Education.

 HB 2748, An act concerning community colleges; relating to subjects and courses taught
under agreements with certain state educational institutions; amending K.S.A. 1997 Supp.
71-609 and repealing the existing section, by Representatives Empson and Reinhardt.

 HB 2749, An act concerning community colleges; revising the definition of credit hour;
amendingK.S.A. 71-601 and repealing the existing section, by Representatives Empson and

 HB 2750, An act repealing K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 59-505; concerning intestate succession,
by Representative Carmody.

 HB 2751, An act concerning crimes and punishment; relating to a child's misconduct;
amending K.S.A. 1997 Supp. 21-3612 and repealing the existing section, by Committee on


By Representative Tanner

A PROPOSITION to amend section 1 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas.

Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Kansas, two-thirds of the members elected
      (or appointed) and qualified to the House of Representatives and two-thirds of the mem-
      bers elected (or appointed) and qualified to the Senate concurring therein:

          Section 1. The following proposition to amend the constitution of the state of Kansas
      shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state for their approval or rejection: Section
      1 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas is hereby amended to read as follows:

                ``§ 1. System of taxation; classification; exemption. (a) The provisions of
            this subsection shall govern the assessment and taxation of property on and after
            January 1, 1993, and each year thereafter. Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically
            provided, the legislature shall provide for a uniform and equal basis of valuation and
            rate of taxation of all property subject to taxation. The legislature may provide by
            law for limitations upon the increase from one taxable period to the next such period
            of the appraised valuation of all or any subclass of real property. The legislature may
            provide for the classification and the taxation uniformly as to class of recreational
            vehicles, as defined by the legislature, or may exempt such class from property tax-
            ation and impose taxes upon another basis in lieu thereof. The provisions of this
            subsection shall not be applicable to the taxation of motor vehicles, except as oth-
            erwise hereinafter specifically provided, mineral products, money, mortgages, notes
            and other evidence of debt and grain. Property shall be classified into the following
            classes for the purpose of assessment and assessed at the percentage of value pre-
            scribed therefor:

          Class 1 shall consist of real property. Real property shall be further classified into seven
      subclasses. Such property shall be defined by law for the purpose of subclassification and
      assessed uniformly as to subclass at the following percentages of value:

(1) Real property used for residential purposes including multi-familyresidential real property and real property necessary to accommo-date a residential community of mobile or manufactured homes in-cluding the real property upon which such homes are located 111

2 %

(2) Land devoted to agricultural use which shall be valued upon thebasis of its agricultural income or agricultural productivity pursuantto section 12 of article 11 of the constitution 30%

(3) Vacant lots 12%

(4) Real property which is owned and operated by a not-for-profit or-ganization not subject to federal income taxation pursuant to section501 of the federal internal revenue code, and which is included inthis subclass by law 12%

(5) Public utility real property, except railroad real property which shallbe assessed at the average rate that all other commercial and indus-trial property is assessed 33%

(6) Real property used for commercial and industrial purposes andbuildings and other improvements located upon land devoted to ag-ricultural use 25%

(7) All other urban and rural real property not otherwise specificallysubclassified 30%
    Class 2 shall consist of tangible personal property. Such tangible personal property shall
be further classified into six subclasses, shall be defined by law for the purpose of subclas-
sification and assessed uniformly as to subclass at the following percentages of value:

(1) Mobile homes used for residential purposes 111

2 %

(2) Mineral leasehold interests except oil leasehold interests the averagedaily production from which is five barrels or less, and natural gasleasehold interests the average daily production from which is 100mcf or less, which shall be assessed at 25% 30%

(3) Public utility tangible personal property including inventoriesthereof, except railroad personal property including inventoriesthereof, which shall be assessed at the average rate all other com-mercial and industrial property is assessed 33%

(4) All categories of motor vehicles not defined and specifically valuedand taxed pursuant to law enacted prior to January 1, 1985 30%

(5) Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment which, if itseconomic life is seven years or more, shall be valued at its retail costwhen new less seven-year straight-line depreciation, or which, if itseconomic life is less than seven years, shall be valued at its retail costwhen new less straight-line depreciation over its economic life, ex-cept that, the value so obtained for such property, notwithstandingits economic life and as long as such property is being used, shallnot be less than 20% of the retail cost when new of suchproperty 25%

(6) All other tangible personal property not otherwise specificallyclassified 30%
    (b) All property used exclusively for state, county, municipal, literary, educational, sci-
entific, religious, benevolent and charitable purposes, farm machinery and equipment, mer-
chants' and manufacturers' inventories, other than public utility inventories included in
subclass (3) of class 2, livestock, and all household goods and personal effects not used for
the production of income, shall be exempted from property taxation.``

    Sec. 2. The following statement shall be printed on the ballot with the amendment as
a whole:

          ``Explanatory statement. This amendment would allow the legislature to provide
      limitations upon the increase of the appraised valuation of real property subject to

          ``A vote for this proposition would allow pursuant to enactment by the legislature
      the limiting of real estate appraised valuation increases from one tax period to an-

          ``A vote against this proposition would maintain the current system of property

    Sec. 3. This resolution, if approved by two-thirds of the members elected (or appointed)
and qualified to the House of Representatives, and two-thirds of the members elected (or
appointed) and qualified to the Senate shall be entered on the journals, together with the
yeas and nays. The secretary of state shall cause this resolution to be published as provided
by law and shall cause the proposed amendment to be submitted to the electors of the state
at the general election to be held on November 3, 1998.


 The following bills and resolutions were referred to committees as indicated:

 Environment: HB 2732.

 Governmental Organization and Elections: HB 2727, 2728, 2729, 2730, 2731, 2733.

 Health and Human Services: HB 2723, 2724, 2725.

 Insurance: HB 2734.

 Judiciary: HB 2726.

 Tourism: HB 2722.


 Final report of the Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight to the
1998 Kansas Legislature, January 1998.

 From Gary R. Mitchell, Secretary, Kansas Department of Health and Environment; Rob-
ert McDaneld, Administrator, Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services; and Jerry
Slaughter, Executive Director, Kansas Medical Society; Kansas EMS/Trauma Systems Plan,
January 1998.

 From John Wine, Chair, Kansas Corporation Commission, in accordance with K.S.A. 66-
117b, Report to the 1998 Kansas Legislature by the Kansas Corporation Commission.

 The complete reports are kept on file and open for inspection in the office of the Chief


 Announcing passage of SB 397.

 Also, announcing passage of HB 2545, 2548, 2554, 2556, 2557, 2565, 2566, 2567,


 The following Senate bill was thereupon introduced and read by title:

 SB 397.


 On emergency motion of Rep. Gilbert, HR 6007, by Reps. Gilbert, Haley, Henderson,
Reardon, Sawyer, Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston,
Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Cook, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon,
Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower,
Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Hayzlett, Hel-
gerson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson,
Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane,
Larkin, Lloyd, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKin-
ney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne,
Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta,
Ray, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter,
Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tom-
linson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk
and Wilson, as follows, was introduced and adopted:


A RESOLUTION in memory of Verdis Jeune Robinson.

    WHEREAS, Verdis Jeune Robinson, 63, of Kansas City, died November 29, 1997, at
Bethany Medical Center; and

    WHEREAS, Verdis Jeune Robinson began her career at the D.J. Young Publishing Co.;
thereafter, she became a meter maid for the city of Kansas City, Kansas, and worked her
way through the ranks of the city to become Director of Parking Control. She was appointed
as the first African-American female representative to the Kansas State Legislature in 1989.
During her tenure as state representative, Verdis was appointed to serve the unexpired term
of Wyandotte County Commissioner for the 2nd District. She was elected to a full four-
year term as Wyandotte County Commissioner of the 2nd District, which she served until
the implementation of the Unified Government, October 1, 1997. Verdis was a servant of
and for the people of Wyandotte County. Verdis' commitment to public service covered
more than three decades. Her legacy of sincerity, honesty, generosity, kindness and love of
family and friends will always be remembered by the many lives she touched.

    WHEREAS, Working for social change, Verdis Jeune Robinson became an active mem-
ber and founder of several federated women's democratic clubs. She was a board member
of the Kansas City, Kansas, branch of NAACP, Democratic Precinct Committee Woman,
Vice Chairman to the Democratic Central Committee, co-founder and President of the
Rebecca Vincson Federated Women's Club, co-founder and consultant to the New Breed
Federated Club, board member and President of the Equal Opportunity Foundation, Quin-
daro Ruins/Underground Railroad Exercise, Executive Committee and President of De-
mocracy, Inc., Kansas Women's Democratic Federation and various other organizations.
She received many honors, recognitions and accolades for her accomplishments and en-
deavors in public service.

    WHEREAS, Verdis Jeune Robinson received the following recognitions: The Chairs Spe-
cial Service Award on June 6, 1996, presented by the Kansas Democratic Party; given the
Go Getters Award on July 11, 1986, presented by the NAACP, Kansas City, Kansas, Branch;
given the PRIDE (Professional Racial Image Demonstrating Equality) First Sweetheart
Award presented by the Black Firefighter's Organization-PRIDE on February 14, 1986; the
Verdis J. Robinson family was recognized as the 1989 Black Family of the Year on July 22,
1989, presented by the Urban League of Greater Kansas City and the Missouri Lottery;
delegate to the state and national Democratic Convention; 3rd Congressional District Chair-
man and Nominee for Who's Who Among the Most 100 Influential Blacks.

    WHEREAS, Verdis Jeune Robinson leaves to mourn five children, two sisters, two broth-
ers and a host of relatives and friends: Now, therefore,

    Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas: That we extend
our deepest sympathy to the family of Verdis Jeune Robinson; and

    Be it further resolved: That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives be directed
to send five enrolled copies of this resolution to Representative Gilbert for distribution to
the family.


 Rep. Henderson, nephew of Verdis Jeune Robinson, introduced members of her family
who were in attendance: Harold and Peggy Dwight, Marvin Robinson, Tyzus Coggs, Tiffany
Dwight, Wendell Henderson, Juanda Henderson, Terry Henderson, and O Anita Hamblin.


 No objection was made to HB 2418, 2707 appearing on the Consent Calendar for the
first day.


 HB 2552, An act repealing K.S.A. 13-13c01 through 13-13c20; concerning certain cities;
relating to municipal parking authorities, was considered on final action.

 On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 108; Nays 13; Present but not voting: 0; Absent or not
voting: 3.

 Yeas: Adkins, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Burroughs, Camp-
bell, Carmody, Compton, Cook, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds,
Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Ger-
inger, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson,
Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Kejr,
Kirk, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, P. Long, Mason,
Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld,
O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Pottorff, Powers,
Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Show-
alter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson,
Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wil-

 Nays: Alldritt, Flora, Garner, Haley, Johnston, Klein, McKechnie, McKinney, Nichols,
Phelps, Sharp, Shore, Spangler.

 Present but not voting: None.

 Absent or not voting: Lloyd, Packer, Powell.

 The bill passed.

 HB 2559, An act repealing K.S.A. 13-2101 through 13-2106, 13-2108, 13-2109, 13-2110
and 13-2903; concerning certain cities; relating to certain officers and powers and duties
thereof, was considered on final action.

 On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 119; Nays 2; Present but not voting: 0; Absent or not
voting: 3.

 Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Burroughs,
Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Cook, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Dreher,
Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin,
Freeborn, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Hel-
gerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison,
Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr,
Lane, Larkin, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney,
Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld,Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Pal-
mer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Rein-
hardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver,
Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson,
Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wil-

 Nays: Garner, Howell.

 Present but not voting: None.

 Absent or not voting: Lloyd, Packer, Powell.

 The bill passed.

 HB 2561, An act repealing K.S.A. 13-2701, 13-2702 and 13-2704 through 13-2711; con-
cerning certain cities; relating to certain revenues, was considered on final action.

 On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 121; Nays 0; Present but not voting: 0; Absent or not
voting: 3.

 Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Burroughs,
Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Cook, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Dreher,
Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin,
Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett,
Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins,
Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether,
Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie,
McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal,
Osborne, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powers, Presta, Ray,
Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore,
Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch,
Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer,
Wempe, Wilk, Wilson.

 Nays: None.

 Present but not voting: None.

 Absent or not voting: Lloyd, Packer, Powell.

 The bill passed.

 HB 2562, An act repealing K.S.A. 13-701 through 13-704 and K.S.A. 13-771 through 13-
790; relating to fire departments in certain cities, was considered on final action.

 On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 115; Nays 6; Present but not voting: 0; Absent or not
voting: 3.

 Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Burroughs, Camp-
bell, Carmody, Compton, Cook, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds,
Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn,
Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Hen-
derson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, John-
ston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, P. Long,
Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp,
Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peter-
son, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuel-
son, Sawyer, Schwartz, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone,
Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vining, Wagle, We-
ber,Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson.

 Nays: Ballou, Garner, Howell, Phill Kline, Shallenburger, Vickrey.

 Present but not voting: None.

 Absent or not voting: Lloyd, Packer, Powell.

 The bill passed.

 HB 2564, An act repealing K.S.A. 13-1426, 13-1427, 13-1428, 13-14,111, 13-14,112 and

13-1901; concerning certain cities; relating to the powers and duties of the governing body
thereof, was considered on final action.

 On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 121; Nays 0; Present but not voting: 0; Absent or not
voting: 3.

 Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Burroughs,
Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Cook, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Dreher,
Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin,
Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett,
Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins,
Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether,
Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie,
McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal,
Osborne, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powers, Presta, Ray,
Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore,
Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch,
Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer,
Wempe, Wilk, Wilson.

 Nays: None.

 Present but not voting: None.

 Absent or not voting: Lloyd, Packer, Powell.

 The bill passed, as amended.

 HR 6001, A resolution relating to the rules of the House of Representatives for the 1997-
98 biennium; amending Rule 501, relating to admission to the House floor, was considered
on final action.

 On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 119; Nays 2; Present but not voting: 0; Absent or not
voting: 3.

 Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Burroughs,
Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Cook, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Dreher,
Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin,
Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett,
Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins,
Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether,
Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie,
Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Pal-
mer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Ruff,
Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz,
Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar,
Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson.

 Nays: McKinney, Reinhardt.

 Present but not voting: None.

 Absent or not voting: Lloyd, Packer, Powell.

 The resolution was adopted.


    The Committee on Economic Development recommends HB 2590 be amended on
page 2, in line 40, after the period, by inserting: ``If the secretary fails to agree with the
findings, the secretary shall advise the governing body in writing of the specific reasons

    On page 7, in line 8, after ``obligation'' by inserting ``bonds'';

    On page 8, by striking all in line 43;

    On page 9, by striking all in lines 1 through 32;

    And by renumbering existing section 14 as section 11;

    On page 1, in the title, in line 11, by striking all after ``counties''; in line 12, by striking
all before the period; and the bill be passed as amended.

 The Committee on Insurance recommends HB 2636 be passed.


 HB 2564 reported correctly engrossed January 27, 1998.


 HR 6006 reported correctly enrolled January 29, 1998.

    On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House adjourned until 10:00 a.m., Friday, January 30,


JANET E. JONES, Cheif Clerk.