J o u r n a l o f t h e S e n a t e THIRTY-FIFTH DAY -------- SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KANSAS Tuesday, March 4, 1997--2:00 p.m. The Senate was called to order by President Dick Bond. The roll was called. Invocation by Chaplain Fred S. Hollomon: Heavenly Father, We are at that time in the session called ``turn around.'' A few days to catch our breath. An opportunity to turn some things around. Some of us may need to turn our attitudes around. Some of us may need to turn our approaches around. Some of us may need to turn our directions around. Some of us may even need to turn our lives around. Help us, O God, to turn around whatever needs turning around. I pray in the Name of Christ Who has turned many lives around. Amen! REFERENCE OF BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following bills were referred to Committees as indicated: Assessment and Taxation: HB 2249. Commerce: HB 2462. Education: HB 2285. Energy and Natural Resources: HB 2226, Sub. HB 2331. Judiciary: HB 2025, Sub. HB 2059; HB 2264, 2422. Utilities: HB 2332, 2381. Ways and Means: HB 2038. CHANGE OF REFERENCE The President withdrew SB 161, 224 and 239 from the Committee on Ways and Means, and rereferred the bills to the Committee on Assessment and Taxation. On motion of Senator Salisbury the Senate adjourned until 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, 1997.