Session of 2000
Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1627
By Special Committee on Agriculture

  9             A  CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging Congress to collaborate with
10             all foreign nations to eliminate unlevel subsidies for agricultural
11             products.
14             WHEREAS,  Foreign governments subsidizing foreign agricultural
15       products at a higher level than American subsidies places an unlevel play-
16       ing field on American producers; and
17             WHEREAS,  All governmental support for agricultural products
18       should be equitable, not just decreasing the overall support for agricul-
19       tural products: Now, therefore,
20             Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of Kansas, the House of Re-
21       presenatives concurring therein: That Congress collaborate with all for-
22       eign nations to eliminate unlevel subsidies for agricultural products; and
23             Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send
24       enrolled copies of this resolution to the President of the United States;
25       the Vice-President of the United States; Majority Leader and Minority
26       Leader of the United States Senate; the Speaker, Majority Leader and
27       Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives; the Sec-
28       retary of the United States Department of Agriculture; and to each mem-
29       ber of the Kansas Congressional Delegation.