Session of 1999
By Legislative Budget Committee

  9             AN  ACT establishing the department of public safety; providing for the
10             powers, duties and functions thereof; repealing K.S.A. 74-2113, 75-
11             711, 75-1510 and 75-5117 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-6102.
13       Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
14             Section  1. (a) There is hereby established a department of public
15       safety. The department shall be administered under the direction and
16       supervision of the secretary of public safety who shall be appointed by
17       the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate as provided in K.S.A.
18       75-4315b, and amendments thereto, and who shall serve at the pleasure
19       of the governor. The secretary shall be in the unclassified service under
20       the Kansas civil service act and shall receive an annual salary fixed by the
21       governor.
22             (b) The provisions of the Kansas governmental operations accounta-
23       bility law apply to the office of secretary of public safety and the depart-
24       ment of public safety, and the office and department are subject to audit,
25       review and evaluation under such law.
26             Sec.  2. The secretary of public safety may appoint, with the consent
27       of the governor, one public information officer, one personal secretary
28       and one special assistant, all of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the
29       secretary of public safety, shall be in the unclassified service under the
30       Kansas civil service act and shall receive an annual salary fixed by the
31       secretary of public safety with the approval of the governor. The secretary
32       of public safety also may appoint such other officers and employees as
33       are necessary to enable the secretary to carry out the duties of the office
34       of the secretary and the department of public safety. Except as otherwise
35       specifically provided by law, such officers and employees shall be within
36       the classified service under the Kansas civil service act. All personnel of
37       the department of public safety shall perform the duties and functions
38       assigned to them by the secretary or prescribed for them by law and shall
39       act for and exercise the powers of the secretary of public safety to the
40       extent authority to do so is delegated by the secretary.
41             Sec.  3. There is hereby established within and as a part of the de-
42       partment of public safety, a division to be known as the Kansas bureau
43       of investigation. The bureau shall be administered under the supervision


  1       of the secretary of public safety, by the director of the bureau. The di-
  2       rector of the bureau shall be appointed by the secretary of public safety,
  3       subject to confirmation by the senate as provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and
  4       amendments thereto, and shall have special training and qualifications for
  5       such position. The director of the bureau shall serve at the pleasure of
  6       the secretary. In accordance with appropriation acts, the director shall
  7       appoint agents who shall be trained in the detection and apprehension of
  8       criminals. The director shall appoint an assistant director who shall have
  9       the qualifications of an agent. The director also may appoint a special
10       assistant and, in accordance with appropriation acts, such administrative
11       employees as are necessary for the efficient operation of the bureau. In
12       addition to such agents and administrative employees and in accordance
13       with appropriation acts, the director may appoint additional agents who
14       are trained and assigned only for the investigation of organized crime and
15       the compensation for such agents shall be paid from federal funds, if such
16       funds are made available for that purpose. If federal funds are not avail-
17       able, the compensation of such agents shall be paid from any other funds
18       made available for that purpose. No person shall be appointed to a po-
19       sition within the Kansas bureau of investigation if the person has been
20       convicted of a felony.
21             The director and special assistant shall be in the unclassified service
22       under the Kansas civil service act and shall receive an annual salary fixed
23       by the secretary of public safety, with the approval of the governor. Any
24       assistant attorneys general assigned to the bureau shall be within the un-
25       classified service under the Kansas civil service act. The assistant director
26       and all other agents and employees of the bureau shall be in the classified
27       service under the Kansas civil service act and their compensation shall be
28       determined as provided in the Kansas civil service act and shall receive
29       actual and necessary expenses. Narcotics violation investigators shall have
30       the classified position of special agent under the Kansas civil service act.
31             If a person who is appointed as director was a member of the bureau
32       at the time of appointment as director, the person, upon the expiration
33       of the term as director, shall be returned to the regular classified position
34       under the Kansas civil service act that the person held at the time of
35       appointment as director. If the position is filled at that time, a temporary
36       additional position shall be created for the person until a vacancy exists
37       in the position. While serving in the temporary additional position, the
38       former director shall continue to be a contributing member of the retire-
39       ment system for the agents of the Kansas bureau of investigation under
40       which the former director was covered while serving as director.
41             Each agent of the bureau shall subscribe to an oath to faithfully dis-
42       charge the duties of such agent's office, as is required of other public
43       officials.


  1             Sec.  4. (a) There is hereby established within and as a part of the
  2       department of public safety a division to be known as the Kansas highway
  3       patrol. The patrol shall consist of: (1) A superintendent, who shall have
  4       the rank of colonel and who shall have special training and qualifications
  5       for such position; (2) an assistant superintendent, who shall have the rank
  6       of lieutenant colonel; and (3) officers and troopers who are appointed in
  7       accordance with appropriation acts and as provided in this section. The
  8       superintendent and assistant superintendent shall be within the unclas-
  9       sified service under the Kansas civil service act. The assistant superinten-
10       dent serving on the effective date of this act shall be appointed to such
11       position by the superintendent. Thereafter, the assistant superintendent
12       shall be appointed by the superintendent from among the members of
13       the patrol, and shall serve at the pleasure of the superintendent. If a
14       person appointed as superintendent or assistant superintendent is a mem-
15       ber of the patrol when appointed, such person in each case, upon ter-
16       mination of the term as superintendent or assistant superintendent, re-
17       spectively, shall be returned to a rank not lower than the rank such person
18       held when appointed as superintendent or assistant superintendent. If
19       such rank is filled at that time, a temporary additional position shall be
20       created in such rank until a vacancy occurs in such rank. All other officers,
21       troopers and employees shall be within the classified service under the
22       Kansas civil service act.
23             (b) The superintendent of the patrol shall be appointed by the sec-
24       retary of public safety, subject to confirmation by the senate as provided
25       in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and amendments thereto, and shall receive an annual
26       salary fixed by the secretary of public safety, with the approval of the
27       governor. The assistant superintendent shall receive an annual salary fixed
28       by the superintendent and approved by the governor.
29             (c) All other members of the patrol shall be appointed by the super-
30       intendent in accordance with appropriation acts and with the Kansas civil
31       service act. No person shall be appointed as an officer of the patrol, other
32       than superintendent, unless the person has had at least five years of serv-
33       ice in the patrol as an officer or trooper. No person shall be appointed as
34       a trooper unless the person meets the following requirements:
35             (1) Is a citizen of the United States;
36             (2) is at least 21 years of age at the time of appointment;
37             (3) has not been convicted by any state or the federal government of
38       a crime which is a felony or its equivalent under the uniform code of
39       military justice;
40             (4) has been fingerprinted and a search of local, state and national
41       fingerprint files has been made to determine whether the applicant has
42       a criminal record;
43             (5) is the holder of a high school diploma or furnishes evidence of


  1       successful completion of an examination indicating an equivalent achieve-
  2       ment; and
  3             (6) is free of any physical or mental condition which might adversely
  4       affect the applicant's performance of duties as a trooper and whose phys-
  5       ical health has been certified by an examining physician appointed by the
  6       superintendent.
  7             (d) No member of the patrol shall hold any other elective or appoint-
  8       ive commission or office, except in the Kansas national guard or in the
  9       organized reserve of the United States army, air force or navy. No mem-
10       ber of the patrol shall accept any employment or compensation from any
11       licensee of the director of alcoholic beverage control of the department
12       of revenue or from any licensee of the Kansas racing commission or from
13       any officer, director, member or employee of any such licensee, nor shall
14       any member of the patrol accept any employment or compensation for
15       services which require the use of any state-owned equipment provided
16       by the Kansas highway patrol or the wearing of the patrol uniform. No
17       member of the patrol shall accept any reward or gift except with the
18       written permission of the superintendent.
19             (e) No member of the patrol, including the superintendent, shall in
20       any way be active or participate in any political contest in any primary,
21       general or special election or participate in politics, except to cast such
22       member's ballot. For any violation of this provision, the offender shall be
23       summarily removed by the superintendent from the patrol.
24             Sec.  5. There is hereby established within and as a part of the de-
25       partment of public safety, the division of fire protection. The division shall
26       be administered, under the supervision of the secretary of public safety,
27       by the state fire marshal. The state fire marshal shall be appointed by the
28       secretary of public safety, subject to confirmation by the senate as pro-
29       vided in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and amendments thereto, and shall serve at
30       the pleasure of the secretary. The state fire marshal shall be in the un-
31       classified service under the Kansas civil service act and shall receive an
32       annual salary fixed by the secretary of public safety, with the approval of
33       the governor. Any person appointed as state fire marshal shall have a
34       knowledge of building construction and, at the time of appointment, shall
35       have had not less than five years' experience in fire safety inspection and
36       investigation. The state fire marshal shall maintain an office in the city of
37       Topeka.
38             Sec.  6. There is hereby established, within and as a part of the de-
39       partment of public safety, a division of alcoholic beverage control. The
40       division shall be administered, under the supervision of the secretary of
41       public safety, by the director of alcoholic beverage control. The secretary
42       of public safety shall appoint the director of alcoholic beverage control,
43       subject to confirmation by the senate as provided in K.S.A. 75-4315b, and


  1       amendments thereto, and the director shall serve at the pleasure of the
  2       secretary of public safety. The director of alcoholic beverage control shall
  3       be in the unclassified service and shall receive an annual salary fixed by
  4       the secretary of public safety, with the approval of the governor.
  5             Sec.  7. There is hereby established within and as a part of the de-
  6       partment of public safety a division of emergency medical services. The
  7       division shall be administered, under the supervision of the secretary of
  8       public safety, by the director of emergency medical services, who shall
  9       be the chief administrative officer of the division. The director shall be
10       appointed by the secretary of public safety and shall serve at the pleasure
11       of the secretary. The director shall be in the unclassified service under
12       the Kansas civil service act and shall receive an annual salary fixed by the
13       secretary of public safety, with the approval of the governor.
14             Sec.  8. (a) There is hereby established the emergency medical serv-
15       ices advisory board. The board shall be within the department of public
16       safety.
17             (b) The emergency medical services advisory board shall be com-
18       posed of 13 members to be appointed as follows:
19             (1) Nine members shall be appointed by the governor. Of such
20       members:
21             (A) One shall be a member of the Kansas medical society who is
22       actively involved in emergency medical services;
23             (B) two shall be county commissioners of counties making a levy for
24       ambulance service, at least one of whom shall be from a county having a
25       population of less than 15,000;
26             (C) one shall be an instructor-coordinator;
27             (D) one shall be a hospital administrator actively involved in emer-
28       gency medical services;
29             (E) one shall be a member of a firefighting unit which provides emer-
30       gency medical service; and
31             (F) three shall be attendants who are actively involved in emergency
32       medical service. At least two classifications of attendants shall be repre-
33       sented. At least one of such members shall be from a volunteer emergency
34       medical service; and
35             (2) four members shall be appointed as follows:
36             (A) One shall be a member of the Kansas senate to be appointed by
37       the president of the senate;
38             (B) one shall be a member of the Kansas senate to be appointed by
39       the minority leader of the senate;
40             (C) one shall be a member of the Kansas house of representatives to
41       be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; and
42             (D) one shall be a member of the Kansas house of representatives to
43       be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives.


  1             All members of the board shall be residents of the state of Kansas.
  2       Appointments to the board shall be made with due consideration that
  3       representation of the various geographical areas of the state is ensured.
  4       Any person appointed to a position on the board shall forfeit such position
  5       upon vacating the office or position which qualified such person to be
  6       appointed as a member of the board.
  7             (c) Of the members first appointed to the board, four shall be ap-
  8       pointed for terms of one year, three for terms of two years, three for
  9       terms of three years and three for terms of four years. Thereafter, mem-
10       bers shall be appointed for terms of four years and until their successors
11       are appointed and qualified. In the case of a vacancy in the membership
12       of the board, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term.
13             (d) The board shall meet at least once each calendar quarter and at
14       the call of the chairperson or at the request of the director of the division
15       of emergency medical services. At the first meeting of the board after
16       January 1 of each year, the members shall elect a chairperson and a vice-
17       chairperson who shall serve for a term of one year. The vice-chairperson
18       shall exercise all of the powers of the chairperson in the absence of the
19       chairperson. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the chairperson or vice-
20       chairperson, the board shall fill such vacancy by election of one of its
21       members to serve the unexpired term of such office. Members of the
22       board attending meetings of the board or attending a subcommittee
23       meeting thereof authorized by the board shall be paid compensation,
24       subsistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided in K.S.A.
25       75-3223, and amendments thereto.
26             (e) Except as otherwise provided by law, all vouchers for expenditures
27       and all payrolls of the emergency medical services advisory board shall
28       be approved by the secretary of the department of public safety or a
29       person designated by the secretary.
30             (f) The emergency medical services advisory board shall advise the
31       secretary of public safety and the director of the division of emergency
32       medical services.
33             Sec.  9. On the effective date of this act, the following state offices,
34       divisions and boards shall be and are hereby abolished:
35             (a) The Kansas bureau of investigation established by K.S.A. 75-711,
36       and amendments thereto;
37             (b) the Kansas highway patrol, established by K.S.A. 74-2113, and
38       amendments thereto;
39             (c) the office of the state fire marshal, established by K.S.A. 75-1510,
40       and amendments thereto;
41             (d) the division of alcoholic beverage control, within the department
42       of revenue, established by K.S.A. 75-5117, and amendments thereto; and
43             (e) the emergency medical services board, established under K.S.A.


  1       65-6102, and amendments thereto.
  2             Sec.  10. (a) On the effective date of this act, all of the powers, duties,
  3       functions, records and property of the state offices, divisions and board
  4       abolished by this act, including the power to administer, expend and dis-
  5       tribute funds now or hereafter made available in accordance with appro-
  6       priation acts, shall be and hereby are transferred to and conferred and
  7       imposed upon the secretary of the department of public safety. The sec-
  8       retary of public safety shall be the successor in every way to the powers,
  9       duties and functions of the abolished state offices, divisions and board, in
10       which the same were vested prior to the effective date of this act. The
11       department of public safety shall be a continuation of the abolished state
12       offices, divisions and board, and every act performed under the authority
13       of the secretary of public safety shall be deemed to have the same force
14       and effect as if performed by the respective office, division or board in
15       which the authority to perform such act was vested prior to the effective
16       date of this act.
17             (b) On and after the effective date of this act, whenever the state
18       offices, divisions or board abolished by this act are referred to or desig-
19       nated by a statute, contract or other document, such reference or des-
20       ignation shall be deemed to apply to the secretary of public safety.
21             (c) All rules and regulations of the abolished state offices, divisions
22       or board in existence on June 30, 2001, shall continue to be effective and
23       shall be deemed to be duly adopted rules and regulations of the secretary
24       of public safety until revised, amended, revoked or nullified pursuant to
25       law.
26             (d) All policies, orders and directives of the abolished state offices,
27       divisions or board in existence on June 30, 2001, shall continue to be
28       effective and shall be deemed to be orders and directives of the secretary
29       of public safety until revised, amended or nullified pursuant to law.
30             Sec.  11. (a) The secretary of public safety shall provide that all offi-
31       cers and employees of the abolished state offices, divisions or board who
32       are engaged in the exercise and performance of the powers, duties and
33       functions transferred by this act are transferred to the department of
34       public safety if the secretary of public safety deems that the transfer of
35       such officers and employees is necessary to the exercise and performance
36       of such powers, duties and functions.
37             (b) Officers and employees of the abolished state offices, divisions or
38       board who are transferred to the department of public safety shall retain
39       all retirement benefits and leave rights which had accrued or vested prior
40       to the date of transfer. The service of each such officer and employee so
41       transferred shall be deemed to have been continuous. All transfers, layoffs
42       and abolition of classified service positions under the Kansas civil service
43       act which may result from transfers of powers, duties and functions shall


  1       be made in accordance with the civil service laws and any rules and reg-
  2       ulations adopted thereunder. Nothing in this act shall affect the classified
  3       status of any transferred person employed by the abolished state offices,
  4       divisions or board prior to the date of transfer. The secretary of public
  5       safety shall be responsible for administering any layoff that is a part of
  6       the transfer. Notwithstanding the date of transfer of personnel from the
  7       abolished state offices, divisions or board to the department of public
  8       safety pursuant to the provisions of this act, the date of such transfer shall
  9       be effective at the start of a payroll period.
10             Sec.  12. (a) When any conflict arises as to the disposition of any
11       power, function or duty or the unexpended balance of any appropriation
12       as a result of any abolition, transfer or change effected by or under au-
13       thority of this act, such conflict shall be resolved by the governor, whose
14       decision shall be final.
15             (b) On the effective date of this act, the secretary of public safety
16       shall succeed to all property and records which were used for or pertain
17       to the performance of the powers, duties and functions transferred to the
18       secretary. Any conflict as to the proper disposition of property or records
19       arising under this section, and resulting from any abolition or transfer of
20       powers, duties and functions effected by or under authority of this act,
21       shall be determined by the governor, whose decision shall be final.
22             Sec.  13. (a) On and after the effective date of this act, the secretary
23       of public safety shall have the legal custody of all records, memoranda,
24       writings, entries, prints, representations or combinations thereof of any
25       act, transaction, occurrence or event of any of the abolished state offices,
26       divisions or board thereof.
27             (b) No suit, action or other proceeding, judicial or administrative,
28       lawfully commenced, or which could have been commenced, by or against
29       any state agency or program mentioned in this act, or by or against any
30       officer of the state in such officer's official capacity or in relation to the
31       discharge of such officer's official duties, shall abate by reason of this act.
32       The court may allow any such suit, action or other proceeding to be
33       maintained by or against the successor of any such state agency or any
34       officer affected.
35             (c) No criminal action commenced or which could have been com-
36       menced by the state shall abate by reason of the governmental reorgan-
37       ization effected under the provisions of this act.
38             Sec.  14. (a) On the effective date of this act, the balance of all funds
39       appropriated and reappropriated to the abolished state offices, divisions
40       or board are hereby transferred to the department of public safety and
41       shall be used only for the purpose for which the appropriation was orig-
42       inally made.
43             (b) On the effective date of this act, the liability for all accrued com-


  1       pensation or salaries of officers and employees who, immediately prior to
  2       such date, were engaged in the performance of powers, duties or func-
  3       tions of the abolished state offices, divisions or board shall be assumed
  4       and paid by the secretary of public safety.
  5             Sec.  15. The secretary of public safety shall appoint a chief attorney
  6       for the department of public safety, who shall serve at the pleasure of the
  7       secretary. The chief attorney shall be in the unclassified service under the
  8       Kansas civil service act and shall receive an annual salary fixed by the
  9       secretary of public safety, with the approval of the governor. The secretary
10       of public safety also may appoint additional attorneys for the department
11       of public safety. Such additional attorneys shall be in the unclassified
12       service under the Kansas civil service act, shall receive an annual salary
13       fixed by the secretary of public safety, with the approval of the governor,
14       and shall be subject to assignment and reassignment of duties within the
15       department of public safety as may be determined by the chief attorney.
16             Sec.  16. The secretary of public safety may organize the department
17       of public safety in the manner the secretary deems most efficient, so long
18       as the same is not in conflict with the provisions of law, and the secretary
19       may establish policies governing the transaction of all business of the
20       department and the administration of each of the divisions within the
21       department.
22             Sec.  17. The secretary of public safety shall have the legal custody of
23       all records, memoranda, writings, entries, prints, representations or com-
24       binations thereof of any act, transaction, occurrence or event of the de-
25       partment of public safety. 
26       Sec.  18. K.S.A. 74-2113, 75-711, 75-1510 and 75-5117 and K.S.A.
27       1999 Supp. 65-6102 are hereby repealed.
28         Sec.  19. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July
29       1, 2001, and its publication in the statute book.