Session of 2000
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5049
By Representatives Jennison and Garner

10             A  CONCURRENT  RESOLUTION providing for a joint session of the
11             Senate and House of Representatives for the purpose of hearing a
12             message from the Governor.
14             Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
15       the Senate concurring therein: That the Senate and the House of Rep-
16       resentatives meet in joint session in Representative Hall at 6:30 p.m. on
17       January 10, 2000, for the purpose of hearing the message of the Governor.
18             Be it further resolved: That a committee of two members from the
19       Senate and three members from the House of Representatives be ap-
20       pointed to wait upon the Governor.
21             Be it further resolved: That a committee of two members from the
22       Senate and three members from the House of Representatives be ap-
23       pointed to wait upon the Lieutenant Governor.