As Amended by Senate Committee
Session of 1999
By Committee on Public Health and Welfare

10             AN  ACT establishing a task force on long-term care services to study
11             services provided by the public and private sector to citizens of the
12             state and laws and rules and regulations relating to such services.
14             WHEREAS,  The legislature is vitally interested in the welfare of the
15       citizens of this state who are consumers of long-term care services; and
16             WHEREAS,  Services provided for citizens who are consumers of long-
17       term care by state agencies and private vendors should be provided ef-
18       ficiently, economically and sensitively in a supportive state regulatory en-
19       vironment; and
20             WHEREAS,  Over the past several legislative sessions major statutory
21       changes have been enacted relating to adult care homes and the respon-
22       sibility for the administration of long-term care programs: Now,
23       therefore,
24       Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
25             Section  1. (a) A task force on long-term care services is hereby es-
26       tablished to study the implementation and operation of recent statutory
27       changes relating to adult care homes, the long-term care ombudsman
28       program, state and federal laws and rules and regulations which impact
29       on the services provided by government and the private sector to citizens
30       who are consumers of long-term care services in skilled nursing facil-
31       ities, assisted living facilities or community based services and such
32       other matters relating thereto as the task force deems appropriate.
33             (b) The task force shall consist of 16 members appointed as follows:
34             (1) Eight Six members appointed by the legislative coordinating
35       council, four three of whom shall be consumers of long-term care services
36       which may include representatives of groups interested in improvement
37       of the quality of long-term care, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and long-
38       term care for persons with disabling conditions and four three of whom
39       shall be providers of long-term care services which may include a rep-
40       resentative of for profit adult care homes, nonprofit adult care homes,
41       free-standing assisted living facilities and adult day care--home health care
42       agencies;
43        (2) two members appointed by the president of the senate and
44       the speaker of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be a
45       member of the senate committee on ways and means and one of
46       whom shall be a member of the house committee on appropriations
47       and both of whom shall be from different political parties
48             (2) (3) two members appointed by the president of the senate, one
49       of whom shall be a member of the senate committee on public health
50       and welfare and one of whom shall be a member of the senate committee
51       on financial institutions and insurance;
52             (3) (4) two members appointed by the minority leader of the senate,
53       one of whom shall be a member of the senate committee on public health
54       and welfare and one of whom shall be a member of the senate committee
55       on financial institutions and insurance;
56             (4) (5) two members appointed by the speaker of the house of rep-
57       resentatives, one of whom shall be a member of the house committee on
58       health and human services and one of whom shall be a member of the
59       house committee on insurance; and
60             (5) (6) two members appointed by the minority leader of the house
61       of representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the house com-
62       mittee on health and human services and one of whom shall be a member
63       of the house committee on insurance. Of the eight members appointed
64       by the legislative coordinating council, no more than two members shall
65       reside in any one congressional district.
66             (c) The legislative coordinating council shall appoint the chairperson
67       and vice-chairperson from among the membership of the task force, the
68       chairperson to be appointed from among the legislator members of the
69       task force. Staffing for the task force shall be available from the legislative
70       research department and the revisor of statutes office if authorized by
71       the legislative coordinating council.
72             (d) The members of the task force shall receive reimbursement for
73       attending meetings of the task force as authorized by the legislative co-
74       ordinating council consistent with the provisions of K.S.A. 46-1209 and
75       amendments thereto.
76             (e) The task force shall prepare and submit a report and recommen-
77       dations to the governor and to the legislature on or before January 10,
78       2000.
79             (f) The provisions of this section shall expire on July 1, 2000.
80        Sec.  2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
81       publication in the Kansas register.